Highlights on a few interesting societies at UoN
October 10, 2023
One of the most exciting ways to find like-minded friends at university is to find your interests in our societies. If you’re unsure of the societies you want to join, we have a long list of societies that include both activities and sports on our SU website. Want to know more? You can also visit …
10 Societies for Creatives
January 14, 2020
A new term is upon us and, along with the start of the new decade, it’s a great opportunity to try something new! Whether you’ve put your creative hobbies aside to focus on your degree or whether you have never considered yourself a creative, studies show that creative hobbies outside of your work considerably boost …
A fancy dinner plus one
February 24, 2015
Other than grad ball at the end of the year, there aren’t many opportunities to get kitted out in formal attire at university. Unless, of course, your boyfriend is in bellringing society (what, you haven’t heard of it?)! So on Saturday night I donned the smartest dress I could find in my wardrobe and headed …
Big Brother is watching…the BBC Good Food Show
December 5, 2012
“WAR IS PEACE” “FREEDOM IS SLAVERY” “IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH” Ever wondered where the phrases “big Brother” and “room 101” come from? Well the answer is the novel 1984 by George Orwell; a bleak portrayal of a future where a dictatorship rules humanity and life is defined by the slogans above. The New Theatre (the only …
A World Without Free Knowledge….?
January 19, 2012
This week seems to have been dominated by the controversial debate on and off the internet concerning the SOPA and PIPA acts; Wikepedia managed a 24hour blackout during University exam period, how some students coped I will never know – officially as a student, Wikepedia is blacklisted, and if you wans good grades, you know …