The Selfie
March 26, 2014
In the last few years the selfie has developed from a joke to an actual thing. Not a day goes by where millions of photos aren’t taken by merry teenagers and adults a like, pointing their cameras at themselves. More recently the power of the selfie has done incredible things. The Ellen DeGeneres Oscar selfie …
Vietnam, Living on less than £1, and Happy birthday to me!
May 7, 2012
Today is Day 2 of doing the Live Below the Line 2012 campaign. It’s a massive charity campaign where you can’t eat more than £1’s worth of food over 5 days. It was started by the Global Poverty Project and the Oaktree Foundation in Australia and now it’s spread to the US, New Zealand and …
Bowling, RED IP and What are Universities For?
March 6, 2012
Graduation tickets have come out, both for the ceremony and for the ball. I’m still debating whether or not I want to push the boat out and get the dinner ticket for £68. All the entertainment tickets are gone. (BOOOOOOO) I’m still excited for Societies Ball in May though. That’s a ball of some sort …