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Taking notes digitally

Hello! This is the last part of my three-part series on OneNote. You can read part 1 here: Getting started with OneNote – Student life (nottingham.ac.uk) You can read part 2 here: Switching your notes to digital – Student life (nottingham.ac.uk)   In this part, I’ll talk about switching to digital note-taking after you’ve fully …

Switching your notes to digital

This post is the second part of my 3-part blog series on OneNote! You can find part 1 here. In the last post, I talked about establishing your organisation system in OneNote. This post is all about how you can transfer your existing notes into your new OneNote notebook. Your existing notes If you’re looking …

Getting started with OneNote

If you haven’t had a chance to check out my last blog post on digital note-keeping you can find it here: Digital Note-Keeping. As promised, today I’m writing about getting started with OneNote!  Disclaimer: I know that OneNote has a different layout and different features depending on your device and the version you access. The …

Digital Note-Keeping

When I began my degree, I was really jealous of the people in lectures who would take notes on their tablets and annotate PDFs with ease. Most of these tablets are really expensive and, coming from a working-class background, I couldn’t afford one and I even thought that they are just not worth the large …