Start the New Term Motivated!
January 28, 2020
The beginning of a new term often comes with a lot of anticipation and excitement, but also… anxiety. Let’s be honest, the thought of a “fresh start” can be quite overwhelming and stressful. So I’m here to share my top tips on how you can make it easier on yourself and get motivated for the …
Welcome! and Welcome Back!
September 28, 2017
It’s that time of the year again… Welcome Week! This is the week that new students join and experience their first taste of university life, but it’s not all about the first years… Welcome is for everyone, so welcome back to the best university 😉 I’m a Welcome Mentor this year so my time for …
How To Make The Most Of The Start Of Term
September 27, 2016
Sssh, can you hear that? It’s me SCREAMING about how excited I am for the start of term. Crisp autumn leaves and new notebooks, buying piles of books that I will almost certainly never read, reuniting with friends, and signing up for approximately five million new societies – all of these fill me with unutterable …
New Term, New Me (lol jk)
January 13, 2016
Disclaimer to future employers: I am not actually like this. This is a sketch. Please hire me. Dear Diary, I can’t wait to write in your fresh pages everyday. I’m going to write especially neatly in you. This is a new start. Maybe I’ll write some inspirational quotes at the top of each page, get …