My grad job interview
November 2, 2016
I’ve just had a graduate job interview and it was very ‘different’ to say the least. It began with a short presentation on a given topic followed by some questions focused on commercial awareness. I find it easy to ramble in interviews, so I had to ensure I stayed on topic throughout which was quite …
Summer internship pt. 2
August 28, 2016
So it’s my first day of the internship and I hadn’t quite calculated how long it was going to take me to get to the offices perfectly, so I decided to leave earlier to avoid being late (probably the worse thing I can do on the first day). I was around 30-40 mins early, so …
Summer Internship pt. 1
August 7, 2016
So I’m sitting on a train from Birmingham to London and thought I’d kill the time by writing my next blog post. I’m moving to London for a short summer internship with Deloitte for 5 weeks and I’m crazily excited! Oh… and of course a bit nervous too, but I guess nerves are natural! I …
The Much Needed London Getaway Weekend
February 1, 2016
First off, apologies for not blogging in the longest time. I have been busy with a couple of things: Going home for Christmas Revising for exams Losing my mind Exams After a hectic month I finally had some time off and so I decided to give myself a break this weekend. Naturally I had to …
It’s Always Sunny in… Nottingham?!
January 12, 2015
I know you are all probably as exhausted as I am, barely surviving on caffeine but if you’re looking for a little break from revision or a good excuse (in my opinion at least) to procrastinate have a little read of this post. Not too many words but lots of pictures, I promise! I love food and …
A White Christmas (kinda)
December 29, 2014
It’s been two weeks since Christmas holidays have started but I have only spent 3 days in Nottingham. What have I been up to you might ask? Well for starters the Sunday after term ended I headed down to London just as an escape from Nottingham. As much as I love this little city I …
Up and Down! (the country)
June 30, 2014
Hello dearest blog readers! You probably may have noticed I have been missing for a few weeks, this is because I really have been away travelling. These past few weeks, I have been down to London then Loughborough and just recently Edinburgh! It has been a busy time for me, packing, unpacking and then packing …
What do you love?
February 12, 2014
This week I have been asked to link with the study what you love blog – which is helpful actually because I’m on placement so my life is my course. Seriously. Placement takes over everything. So if I didn’t love it I’d be in trouble. My Story I’m a bit unusual in that I decided …
Ladding in London
June 19, 2013
Do you like Shakespeare? Do you like Merlin? Then you’ll love seeing Colin Morgan as Ariel in the Tempest! Points to anyone who got this reference: So I had a lovely weekend visiting my friend Carrie-Anne in Maidenhead I slept in one of the most comfy beds I’ve ever slept in: Ate some of …
A Happy New Year’s
January 8, 2013
New Year’s Eve is always a hit or miss kinda night. There’s always a lot of pressure to be doing something crazy fun and sometimes all the hype can leave you thinking ‘was that it?’ Nights out can be expensive, if you live in London and decide to go see the fireworks you have to …