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Oh My English

Hello again, I know, it’s exam season. So, I understand if you don’t even have time to read any blogs. Thus, I’m going to keep it short (I’ll try my best). Living in the accommodation at King’s Mill hospital for the past 13 weeks (wow, it’s really been that long :O) made me realise a …

Prague, Czech Republic

Hello everybody, As you all know, I’m still at King’s Mill Hospital even though most of you are going on a holiday or having fun with your family and friends 😛 I’m enjoying it though. I mean, I love meeting patients and take blood from them (does this make me sound like a vampire?). Anyway, …

just another great week in my life

Hi readers! Yeah, I survived my first exam of the year! The module (subject) is called REM, Research Methods. I think it went quite alright although I’m not that confident that I will score high. Anyway, speaking of examinations, I once remembered submitting a quotation to my previous college, KMB (Kolej MARA Banting or MARA …