A Farewell Walk Around Campus
March 20, 2020
On Tuesday, I took my last ever walk around campus. I am home now and, as I recount those farewell footsteps, water gathers on my eyeballs and mirrors my sapphire-blue irises back at themselves, reminding me of my beauty. I went into campus to steal one last glance at its stunning trees etc., but also …
So Long, Farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, Goodbye
July 19, 2013
Hello, and welcome to my final blog. *wipes away tear* My 3 years at University have ended, and what amazing three years they have been! I still remember my very first day – a bit overwhelming meeting so many new people and realising that Nottingham was my new home for the next few years. Not …
Signing Off
July 8, 2013
Hello dear readers, if you’re still out there. It is more likely you are holidaying on some golden beach or undergoing an internship; or at the very least enjoying your summer holiday way too much to be surfing blogs. On the other hand, we are all part of Generation Y, permanently plugged in to the …