Presentation Paranoia? How To Ace Your Next Presentation
December 8, 2017
Around this time last year, I gave my first oral presentation at university. Now, almost a year later, I’m planning – or at least, planning to start planning – my next presentation as part of my course. Over the last year, I’ve learnt so much about delivering a solid presentation and how it so beautifully …
How to Make it to your 9am
November 22, 2017
Now, as the saying goes, you are either a lark or an owl, aka, you are either a morning or a night person. Luckily for me, there is no better feeling than having an early night only to wake up two hours before is needed so that I can spend the morning doing whatever I …
What do you love?
February 12, 2014
This week I have been asked to link with the study what you love blog – which is helpful actually because I’m on placement so my life is my course. Seriously. Placement takes over everything. So if I didn’t love it I’d be in trouble. My Story I’m a bit unusual in that I decided …