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Hello from Cornwall!

This last week I have been in Cornwall, in order to have a bit of a break before revision for summer exams seriously gets underway (sigh). To deserve the time off, I mainly spent the first week of the holidays finishing off and editing the first complete draft of my dissertation. As that’s not very interesting, …

A new beginning

This is it. My final post. It has been two full years since I started blogging and so much has happened in that time – good and bad. But I made it (Praise God!) and now have photos like this:     Graduation Graduation was definitely an experience. We stayed in the Uni hotel (ooh …

Barcelona, Beaches & Buildings

Anyone else been on the family summer holiday yet? If you haven’t,  don’t worry I’m not going to use this blog to brag about going away to Barcelona! In fact last year our family went on a beach holiday to Essex…no joke. So I have pretty much managed to sum up my trip to Spain …

Spring Break!

In true caveman style I have taken myself away from the Internet for a week or so whilst on Spring Break which I must admit we should all do from time to time. But I am back now and hope to give you a double dose of American university life in this post. It seems …