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Alternative Nights Out In Notts

Ever since I wrote my last blog post about surviving university as an introvert I’ve been innundated with messages about what activities there are available for introverts in Nottingham. Just kidding, I’ve had none. But I did think that maybe poor ol’ introverted fresher me might have benefitted from some ideas for some slighty tamer/ …

The US Election Explained

There has been a lot of coverage of the US election recently and it can be very hard to understand what’s going on in an election that is so different from our own. I have tried to make summary as informative and impartial as possible, I hope you learn something. The Parties The two main …

#MeantToBe friends at uni – Phoebe and Millie

Congrats to Phoebe for winning the first week of the University #MeantToBe competition! She shared her story on Instagram and won a £50 Amazon voucher – easy peasy! To enter the competition you need to share your pic and story on Instagram or Twitter using the hashtag #MeantToBe and tag @uniofnottingham. Or if you want …

What are the SU elections? A brief guide…

It’s not just banners and badgering; the Students’ Union elections are actually important. Who gets voted in ultimately shapes student experience for the following academic year – so you should vote for someone who you think will represent you best! The 14 officers (7 full-time and 7 part-time) ensure that students are represented to the …

Things I’ve Learnt When Doing My Dissertation

Already into the third month of 2016, your dissertation deadline’s probably getting dangerously close. We’re all dealing with it differently – denial, followed by another day in bed watching House of Cards. Rage. Frustration. Calling your mum in a panic. Worry. Even accepting defeat.   Don’t worry. We’re going to get through this.   Here …

5 HUGE differences between Ningbo and the UK

Ever since arriving in Ningbo, I feel like I’ve been hit by a whirlwind of things to do from sorting out my modules, to joining societies and generally just trying to figure out my way around the campus. However, I can safely say that after three weeks, I’m finally settling down in Ningbo and becoming …

Top Study Spots in Notts

When I’m writing an essay at home, I like to move about from room to room, convincing myself that I’ll be more productive if I work somewhere else. In reality, it’s just a pretty shoddy attempt at avoiding reading another article. There is something quite refreshing, though, in studying in a different setting to normal …

Interested in blogging about your life as a student?

Are you keen to share your experience, boost your CV and earn money by blogging for your University? Get paid £6.70 (plus holiday pay) an hour to write about your life as a student. Blogs will be aimed at fellow UoN students, and will usually focus on life outside the lecture theatre, what Nottingham students …

#MeantToBe friends at uni

There are some people at uni that you were just #MeantToBe friends with. Your neighbour in halls who always had the right change for the washing machine, the group you met in the bar before a night out in your first week, or that person wearing an Adventure Time t-shirt at the bus stop who likes all …


Sitting in the library today I saw many prospective students and parents looking lost around campus for the UCAS visit days. This made me realize, around 3 years ago in February was the first time I came to this university for the very same reason. On that day (as cheesy as it sounds) I did …