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The 3 Emotional Stages of Being in Your Final Term

The end is nigh.   1.Denial Just point blank denial. No it is not nearly May and that is when I finish. Graduation? What’s that? Definitely not something that is happening to me this July. I refused to let myself think about it and was just pretending to be a first year again. I feel …

A Guide to the June Elections

The elections process can be confusing. Luckily, being at university, we are in a unique position in regards to our access to information, which can make the process easier! Deciding who to vote for We have a range of free literature available to us through the libraries and a range of online resources easily accessible. …

A Revision Survival Guide: How to Beat the Panic and Stress of Exams This Summer

Yeah, you guessed it, it’s another ‘revision top tips’ blog. I’m sure you’ve stumbled across far too many of these, but whether you want some genuine exams advice, or are looking to procrastinate some more, then I suggest you keep reading… An exam survival guide: how to beat the stress The summer time: the months …

Theresa May-or-may-not be sticking around for Brexit. But why should you care?

*Disclaimer: I am no political expert, nor journalist extraordinaire. I am but a humble purveyor of newspapers and writer of blogs. Hopefully you’ve heard by now that Mrs May plans to hold a general election this year, on the 8th of June. After a year of hate-fuelled build up to Brexit, and a year of …

Making Third Term Easier

Despite it only being week one of a lovely month long Easter vacation, I’m already thinking about going back to Nottingham at the end of it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m loving spending time with my family and relaxing, but the looming exams and deadlines make it difficult to fully switch off for long. Which …

The Juggling Student: Maintaining a Work-Life Balance Over Easter Break

Work-life balance. I think I speak for every student out there when I say that we’ve all been plagued by those words before. It’s the dreaded balance between work and play; between due dates and dinner dates. The concept is seemingly hardest to grasp now that we’re a week into Easter break. For those of …

First Year Reflection: A Transition

The past seven and a half months have passed by quicker than I could ever have imagined. I know I’m not exactly old, but I realise how true it is that time seems to fly by as you get older. There’s no more sitting in classrooms struggling to keep my eyes open on a Friday …

Productive Procrastination

As defined by the ever-trustworthy and academically respectable, Urban Dictionary, productive procrastination is the act of ‘putting off doing something which really needs to be done by doing something else instead which needs to be done.’ Relatable, aye? Anyway, with deadlines all around us and the imminent doomsday of the exam period looming over our …

So you’re staying in Nottingham over Easter?

As a postgrad student in the middle of running a study and also working on the weekends, time-off is a rarity right now. Add to the mix the astronomical cost of a return train ticket home to Cornwall, and the sheer length of time taken for said train to trundle along the antiquated track of …

Living with allergies at university

  The title of this blog post won’t come as a surprise to anybody who knows me in real life, as sadly/humorously my defining character trait is ‘nut allergy’. Countless times over the years, when asked to give an unusual fact about myself, I’ve gone with the line ‘I’m allergic to everything’, which isn’t quite …