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How to Handle Coursework Stress

It is a thing nobody talks about. Lecturers constantly speak of remaining calm whilst doing coursework and exams, but never do they mention the stress that comes during the process of handing in coursework. I must admit that I am a naturally stressy person, but having consulted a number of impartial sources (ahem, my housemates), …

Going from a sprint to a marathon: academic career advice

In this post, Dr Anja Neundorf shares her advice on starting an academic career. Pursuing an academic career is a big decision, as it requires a long investment into your education with an uncertain, but highly rewarding outcome. It is difficult to make it, as there are few jobs and it can take a while …

Handling Academic Setbacks

With exam season just around the corner, I recently felt an unfamiliar wave of anxiety coming my way. Some introspection revealed that my panic was most probably a reaction to the academic setbacks I faced last year. From growing up in a culture that heavily focused on top grades to never having faced academic failure …

The Five Stages of the Christmas Holidays

Stage One: You will eat all of the food You thought you ate well at university. You refrained from eating a diet of pot noodles, actually ate some vegetables and operated the oven on the odd occasion, you may as well have popped on a chef’s coat and entered the Masterchef kitchen. That was before …

5 tips for studying abroad

I’m Maddy and I’m a third year Management and French student currently on a semester abroad at KEDGE Business School in Bordeaux, France and I want to share 5 tips for people considering or planning to study abroad. Join the international student’s society and get involved in international student’s welcome week Most host schools have …

3 ways to be a tourist in your hometown this Christmas

The holidays are finally here! And I don’t know about you but I haven’t been home since September and have missed my hometown, Brighton, a LOT. Nottingham’s fab and all but every time I go back, I remember how much I take Brighton for granted?! This Christmas, I have plans to explore a bit more. …

9 language barrier issues that international students experience!

When I was growing up in my country (Poland) I wasn’t even aware of how comfortable bubble I live in. Being a native speaker of the country you live in is pretty comfortable. But you do not realize it until … you move out to another country. Moving out is a chance but also is …

Survive University Like A Medieval King

If there’s one thing medieval kings really cornered the market on, it’s dying in bizarre ways. You might think that these deaths are irrelevant to you, a young student living in the modern age, but you would be terribly wrong: they can offer us all valuable lessons on how to survive university.   1) Don’t …

How to Host a Student Christmas Dinner

One of my favourite things about Christmas is the food, so I love arranging big festive meals with my friends. It’s a little more challenging to cook a big roast in a student kitchen than at home, but the challenge makes it more fun! Here’s my guide on how to hold the best student Christmas …

Presentation Paranoia? How To Ace Your Next Presentation

Around this time last year, I gave my first oral presentation at university. Now, almost a year later, I’m planning – or at least, planning to start planning – my next presentation as part of my course. Over the last year, I’ve learnt so much about delivering a solid presentation and how it so beautifully …