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Healthy Eating On A Budget

A few months ago, I wrote a post about how to save money and still enjoy yourself at university. A few weeks ago, I wrote another about travelling on a student budget. The take home message? I’m broke. But I’m also good at it. So, this week, I’m going to talk to you all about …

Procrastination: Is It Really THAT Bad

So we’re well into April now, and the Easter holidays are already half over for every UoN student out there (I’m still in classes over here, but I’ll shed a tear for you anyway), which means exams are drawing ever nearer. And whilst you may have indulged and given yourself a bit of a break …

3 Quick Homemade Snacks

I’d been eating a LOT of biscuits up until recently. So much so that I got a little tired of them and decided to mix things up and make my own snacks – there are only so many chocolate digestives a person can eat ! While I don’t always have time to bake, these 3 …

Exploring the World on a Budget

Easter is always a time to look forward to, especially when you’re at university. After all, who isn’t looking forward to a mid-semester break! I spent the past weekend gallivanting around Scotland and if anything, it taught me a thing or two about budgeted travelling. Here are my tips for exploring this beautiful world while …

ClickSilver: My Volunteering Experience

Last term, every Wednesday from 1-3.30 I was enrolled in a volunteering scheme, ClickSilver. Instead of spending my afternoons staring ta my laptop whilst convincing myself I was being productive, I decided to do something that was actually worthwhile. ClickSilver is a scheme run by Business in the Community, Capital One and Age UK in …

Taking Time Out For Yourself This Easter

So Easter is upon us, and with it comes a much deserved four week break. At least in the UK; over here we’re not as fortunate (Easter break isn’t really a thing out here), but that’s okay, even if I don’t get a whole month off, I’ll settle for the long weekend; Lord knows I …

How to maximise productivity this Easter

Easter is here! That magical time when all the work gets done, am I right?! I know I’m not the only one who’s been saying “I’ll do it over Easter” for the past … 3 weeks.  Having been through a few Easters at uni, here are my tips on how to make the most of …

Take care of your body and you will take care of your mental health!

In the busy life of PhD student taking care of the health of your body may be really forgotten. Spending all day in the lab and no regular meals can influence not only on our body but also mental health! It is not a new fact that many PhD students develop symptoms of anxiety and …

5 Ways Being a Humanities Student Is like Being a Medieval Monk

Student life can get a bit of a bad rap. Media depictions of students tend to be heavy on the beer and the instant noodles and light on the study and the hair shirts. Oh, did I say hair shirts? I must have slipped up because being a student is so like being a member of a …

A Guide to Getting Through Midterms (or the UoN Equivalent)

Reading week is now long gone and its termination brought with it two weeks of mid-semester examinations (or mid-terms as they’re so lovingly called) here at NUS, not to mention a bunch of essays and lab reports (fun I know!). Now whilst UoN typically only have two sets of examinations – January and May/June –  …