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Harnessing Stress

Whenever I feel particularly stressed, I kneel down low and tuck my limbs in towards my tum to become very small and sweet; I’ve studied the hedgehog and in this here sequence of movements, I mimic its famous ball-up technique. I will flatter myself by writing that I am able to achieve an uncanny likeness …

Tips on writing an essay that you’re completely stuck on

Regardless of whether you’re a fresher who is stumped on an essay relating to a topic that you’ve never even though about, let alone know much about, or whether you’re a final year student that currently has mush for a brain due to processing endless information for your other modules, we can all get stuck …


I used to feel as if there was a little clock within me, slowly ticking away. I had to make use of every single second to be productive! This was probably made worse by the compulsory national service I had to do in Singapore, where every single second mattered. I often remember that as soon …

Struggling With Your Dissertation? Same Dude

With just shy of a month left of this term and dissertation deadlines for third – and forth! – years looming, you might not be the only one feeling like you’re in over your head. As fun as this final term  ought to be, it can be hard to enjoy it when you’re in a …

University Mental Health Day 2019: Use Your Voice

Today, March 7th, is University Mental Health Day. It is a day that means a lot to me, being a student who suffers from mental health difficulties. The theme this year is ‘Use Your Voice’. This can be done in so many ways: *Literally* use your voice to talk to people! Ask them how their …

Ways to Keep Fit from a Self-Confessed Fit-Phobe

I’ve talked about it before, and I’ll probably talk about it again, but I exercise now. Yes, that’s right, I actively put on a pair of trainers and break a sweat. As someone who previously hadn’t exercised since year 11 PE lessons, this is a breakthrough in my way of life, improving my wellbeing on …

UoN Mental Health Day: How Instagram helped me improve my mental health

In light of the Mental Health day of the University of Nottingham, there are lots of activities related to wellbeing. The University has frequently touched the delicate matter of mental health in various ways such as student life blog posts and a dedicated UoN page. To avoid replicating what you can find in the resources above, …

Improving your grades one step at a time

With results day well and truly behind us, it comes without a surprise that some of you may not have achieved what they initially set out to; and this can really crush your spirit. As someone who consistently beat the school system to achieve high grades, having to re-sit an exam in my first year …

The Art of the Shortcut

I am a connoisseur not of wine or jazz, but of shortcuts. My mind craves efficiency and is constantly calculating ways to streamline my travels. Once you recognise that a 30-minute trek can be shortened to a 10-minute march, I believe that you too will become host to this invaluable craving. Here, I aim to …

Reasons to Work Part-Time During Your Studies

I remember starting University and feeling overwhelmed with how incredible it felt to have so much money (i.e my overdraft) until I paid rent for my catered halls… and then had nothing left! Since then, I have always been working part-time (I am in currently in 4th year) and I haven’t looked back since! If …