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Dealing with Setbacks

Even the very best of us suffer setbacks. Big or small, it’s impossible to go through life without them. If we didn’t have setbacks, what would we have to measure our achievements against? Going into an examination period, and a time where students may start looking for graduate jobs or further study, the idea of …

21 Pieces of Advice From a Third-Year

Having just turned 21, I have reached one of them pivotal milestones. I’m no longer occupying the ambiguous ‘20’ title, instead 21 seems to mark the beginning of adulthood… Unless you believe science then that apparently starts at 30, but anyway, entering adult life is becoming a bigger and more real prospect every. single. day. …

Tips for socialising on a budget at Uni

We all know how chaotic uni life can be – you’re working hard towards a deadline and then next thing you know there’s another deadline looming, meaning that it can be hard to squeeze time in to see your friends without feeling guilty about taking time off studying! This can make you feel even worse …

“I think I have too much stuff” – A guide to moving into university

Ditch the massive suitcases (unless you’re flying). If you’re travelling by road, it’s much more convenient to pack your things into duffel bags, bin bags or foldable rucksacks. They hold quite a few things and are incredibly space-saving when it comes to stuffing them under your dorm bed once you’re unpacked.   Check for prohibited …

Academic conferenc-ing 101

Happy April to you all! Spring has sprung and it is conference season! I would like to provide some quick advice on participating in an academic conference. There are multiple sources online that provide tips on how to attend a conference. Here is a summary of the most basic tips: Practice your talk and be …

Revision Refreshments

Dainties These are little shrivelled fruits often dusted with sugar (the fig dainties pictured forgo this accessory). Succumbing to the powerful temptation of a dried fruit dainty produces a thrilling, impish, almost minx-like sensation akin to the buzz one feels when engaging in a mild act of thievery. Do not feign innocent confusion, you are …

What I learnt from being sober for 10 months

During my first year of University, many students began to participate in ‘Sober October’ as a way of giving their livers a bit of a break and doing a good deed for charity at the same time. However, I thought that I could use a challenge and really needed to get my head down for work so …

I’m a poor student!!!

Last December, I was at the tram stop with my friend. She suddenly pulled out 2 tea bags from her pocket. ‘Look what I’ve got! Two Twinings teabags from the leftover tea in class just now! I didn’t take the Lemon and Ginger one because I didn’t like it.’ I slowly reached into my pocket… …

Knowing Your Limits

One of the biggest things for me and building up my independence since starting at university, and something I am still working on now, well into my second year, is knowing where my limits are. I felt, when starting university, that it was important to push my boundaries and make the most of the new …

My Top 5 Revision Based Apps

A lot of the time, technology gets a bad rep when it comes to studying, especially when it comes to using smartphones and tablets. They are deemed as being distracting, mind numbing and a cause of stress and anxiety – none of which bode well with productivity. However, I’m here to defend the use of …