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My favourite apps to help you survive student life

My last blog post focused on starting afresh this decade and part of that delved into turning social media into something unimaginably positive and up-lifting. That got me thinking about the various ways technology helps us as university students. And as always, I wanted to share those reflections with you; after all, we all need …

New Semester, New You?

I love new beginnings. Mondays. First days of the month. New Years Day. Anything heralding a breath of fresh air is so comforting to me. I always feel ready to take on a fresh start; each one just seems like an opportunity for improvement and change, especially when that new beginning is the new uni …

10 Societies for Creatives

A new term is upon us and, along with the start of the new decade, it’s a great opportunity to try something new! Whether you’ve put your creative hobbies aside to focus on your degree or whether you have never considered yourself a creative, studies show that creative hobbies outside of your work considerably boost …

The Comfort Zone Hokey Cokey

You put your whole self in, your whole self out… If there’s one thing you can say about signing yourself up for a five year long university course located in a city you’ve never set foot in before, it’s that it’s probably going to take you a little outside your comfort zone. The Comfort Zone …

How to start afresh this new decade

New Year’s Eve has always been one of my favourite nights of the year. A lot of that probably has to do with the chance to pursue everything that never was. And while I am a firm believer in the fact that you can forge change any day, New Year’s Day provides an ideal and …

Best restaurant deals to welcome the new decade!

What better way to kick off the decade than a wonderfully cheap meal out at any of these popular restaurant options around Nottingham. And with a while to go before a post-Christmas restorative pay-day, these restaurant deals will have you dining like a king! Red’s True Barbecue on Queen Street is offering 50% off throughout …

Tackling your workload over Christmas break

You just know you’re getting close to Christmas break when Nottingham’s Christmas market is back and lecturers are letting loose a bit. And what a wonderful time of year it is! The food markets are back and busy, the Christmas trees are up and you’ve made it through yet another semester. However, adulthood waits for …

REMEMBER to do this before you leave for Winter break

LOCK your windows, your doors, your drawers, your little notepads with their tiny silver padlocks. IGNORE if you want to be burgled/have your secrets read.   BID farewell to those you live with. WISH them a merry Christmas, if you are still fond of their personalities.   EAT all of the nonsense inside of your …

Top 5 Christmas Ideas to avoid Secret Santa Gifts Stress

‘Tis the season to be…stressed! As the end of the term approaches the festive season is well and truly upon us; but with the decorating of Christmas trees and the binge-watching of Christmas classics also comes the exchanging of Secret Santa gifts. Somehow you may have found yourself involved in multiple Secret Santa groups, and …

5 Self Care Tips for Students

Being at uni is an amazing experience. You meet new people, you experience new things, you make life-long memories. It’s great. Then, a few weeks into every semester, something happens which shifts the atmosphere… …assessment period draws near. Ah, that dreaded time. It brings along with it some of our least favourite things. All-nighters at …