A day in the life of a 4th year vet student
February 10, 2020
5am: I wake up bright and early to get straight outdoors for a kale smoothie and a run. Just kidding! I’m very much still asleep at 5am. And don’t even talk to me about kale. 8am: I wake up (for real this time), scroll through social media for a bit, and drag myself through the …
How to Process Feedback
February 7, 2020
Every now and then, you will receive feedback for an essay and discover that some of your points and ideas have been rejected. Here are some coping mechanisms: Bias Entertain the possibility that the marker is subject to certain biases that have prevented them from fully understanding the full meaning of your ideas. Then, become …
How to Budget in the Kitchen
February 5, 2020
The thought of cooking for yourself everyday can be quite daunting. Between lectures, deadlines, extra curriculars, and having a social life; cooking healthy meals each night all while living on a budget may seem impossible. But don’t worry, with a bit of planning and a few you-tube videos, cooking for yourself at university will become …
Standing out at university: How to spruce up your CV
February 2, 2020
Remember how you were super excited to get your Duke of Edinburgh award in hopes that it would impress your uni admission officers? And then you got to uni and found out that everyone – AND THEIR UNCLE – had it on their applications and CV too? Every year of university brings adulthood and all …
Let’s Discuss: Work Placements and Internships
January 30, 2020
Being a student is difficult. That’s something we can all readily admit. We can become so consumed by our work and our general lives that sometimes we forget to take a good look at all the opportunities that just being at university can actually provide. Most of them just land in our inboxes, waiting for …
Start the New Term Motivated!
January 28, 2020
The beginning of a new term often comes with a lot of anticipation and excitement, but also… anxiety. Let’s be honest, the thought of a “fresh start” can be quite overwhelming and stressful. So I’m here to share my top tips on how you can make it easier on yourself and get motivated for the …
Top Five Things to Do at Sutton Bonington
January 27, 2020
Ah, Sutton Bonington campus. Approximately 10 miles south of University Park and Jubilee Campuses, it’s a place mostly unheard of by the majority of University of Nottingham students. But to me? It’s my home. I (of course) think it’s worth visiting all year round, but just in case you need more convincing, here are 5 …
A Place Worth Knowing
January 24, 2020
In Lenton, there is a place lit entirely by gas lamps. Go there in the evening and it’s like stepping straight into a Victorian night. The houses are old and huge, and some of the roads are wide enough to host a slalom. There are trees that I’ve no idea the names of, but are …
21 lessons I’ve Learnt about Life, Love and… Mooses.
January 20, 2020
Tomorrow is my 21st Birthday. Which feels very, very strange. Partly because the responsibilities are now stacking up and the whole ‘being independent’ thing is no longer exciting and instead something I am ‘expected’ to do. Who knew?! So, in procrastination over doing said responsibilities, I thought I would share 21 things I have learnt …