Best Ways to Relax during Quarantine
May 13, 2020
It’s hard to keep calm and carry on during quarantine. As a third year student with deadlines approaching, it’s easy to feel stressed in the best of circumstances. With the added anxiety from these unprecedented times we find ourselves in, trying to study can seem overwhelming. Each of us has had to dramatically alter the …
A letter to my friends in their final year.
May 11, 2020
Do you remember your first day at Nottingham? I do. Saturday 23rd September 2017. Moving into Cripps Hall, being so nervous I couldn’t eat anything on the drive up from London, but somehow it dissipated until that same day, we were up all night, 7 of us crowded into a single room, laughing about a …
In Defence of Mind Maps
May 5, 2020
Ahh, the dreaded Summer Term. Exam season is upon us and, along with the omnipresent lack of motivation due to that-which-shall-not-be-named, we’re all looking for ways to spice up our revision. Chances are that you’ve already got your favourite revision strategies that are tried and tested and work for you. Trust me, so did I. …
Why I’m spending my time doing art
April 27, 2020
I’ve always quite enjoyed doing art. I guess I’ve grown up with it – my grandmother and uncle are both artists and taught me a lot of what I know. As I’ve grown older though, I’ve found I have less and less time to do art myself, because there is so much else going on …
Books You Must Read Before Lockdown Ends
April 24, 2020
If there’s one thing most 20-something year old’s will agree to, it’s that somewhere along the way we all lost the penchant for reading we once had. Did we get too busy? Did social media encourage immediate gratification in a way books never could? There are a million reasons why; and sadly, not a lot …
Feeling guilty at a time like this.
April 13, 2020
It’s a tough time right now. The world has been turned upside down. And, that’s an understatement. To say the very least. It’s tough on NHS workers, it’s tough on key workers, it’s tough on families separated from one another, it’s tough on students who cannot complete the year at university, it’s tough on final …
Things to do during lockdown (that isn’t baking banana bread)
April 10, 2020
Happy April everyone, and welcome back to my blog! I hope you and your loved ones are safe and healthy. For those of you celebrating Easter, I hope you have a wonderful weekend (indoors, of course). Being in lockdown, surrounded by all this chaos has been a bit of a change, to say the least. …
Lockdown Growth
April 3, 2020
I’ve been asked to stay indoors by my country and the world. I didn’t put up a fight because they have the military advantage. I don’t mind staying indoors much anyway. I know how to use these times wisely. Each day, I do a quiz and a jigsaw, which is to say: I am becoming …
My life #WorkingFromHome, in 65 parts.
March 30, 2020
1) Woken up by my very confused body clock at 8am, with a book on my face. 2) Remove book and then spend way too much time scrolling through TikTok, or Twitter 3) Fall back asleep as my bed is very cosy 4) Get woken up at 11.30 by my parents, normally with something along …
Top Tips for Online Learning
March 26, 2020
Switching to online learning is new for a lot of us – and as all new things, it can be incredibly hard when you’ve never done it before. At least for me, it’s been weird; I’ve realised that being on campus and physically attending sessions gives me a sense of differentiation between rest and study …