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Dealing with and Overcoming Burnout

Burnout is something that many students experience at some point in their university career (as well as into the working world). Burnout is defined as  “a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress”. There are many things that can contribute to a feeling of burnout:  a build-up of academic …

Attending Conferences and Networking

I’ve had the privilege of attending numerous conferences over the past year to present the work that I have done as a part of my dissertation. Before this, I didn’t know much about what a conference was, what it meant to attend one, or even how to dress! So hopefully this blog post will give …

Balancing a Job Whilst at University

When you’re at university, you may be faced with an extremely busy course. You may have heard people say that having a job at university just isn’t possible – it’s too hard, there’s no time, you just can’t do it. I’m here to tell you that isn’t true. These misconceptions are damaging to hear, especially …

Living Away from Nottingham While on Placement

Hello all! I’m Aisia, a third-year medical student. This blog post will serve to detail what to expect if you’re placed somewhere with hospital accommodation on your healthcare placements. Once you’ve finished your dissertation, you’ll start foundations for practice (FFP) which is formed of five six-week placement blocks: specialty skills (dermatology, ENT, and ophthalmology), surgery, …

My experience with an assessment centre at Warner Bros. Discovery

It’s around that time of the year that many students have either secured an internship or waiting to hear back. I’m here today to  talk about an assessment centre day that I attended yesterday, at the Warner Bros. Discovery office in London. Assessment centres are organised by companies as a part of the final rounds …

How to Balance School and Work as a Student

As a university student, managing both school and work can be a challenging task. Juggling deadlines, exams, and shifts at work can be overwhelming and stressful, leading to burnout and poor academic performance. However, with the right approach and mindset, it is possible to strike a balance between the two. Here are five tips for …

5 Essential Tips for a Successful Group Project

As university students, you’ve probably encountered a group project or two throughout your academic journey. Group projects can be challenging and stressful, but they are also an excellent opportunity to learn new skills and collaborate with your peers. Whether it’s a presentation, research paper, or group assignment, here are five essential tips to help you …

Embracing the Quietness of Easter Break on Campus

It’s the Easter break, and you’re probably feeling a little bit of cabin fever. The silence that comes with it can be overwhelming–and if you’re anything like me, it makes even the most mundane tasks feel like an ordeal. The Easter break is often a time when students leave the University of Nottingham to go …

Random University Student Life Hacks

If there is one thing that I gathered living the student life, it’s that you can never have enough life hacks to make your life easier at university. So here are some of the most random life-hacks that seemed to work really well for me so far:  1. Be selfish and use free university resources …

How to save some extra cash at UoN

Going to university is much more than just about our three or four-year degree. We leave our comfort zones to build a little world for ourselves in a whole new place! We learn to make do and adjust to everything that seems new around us. Most of all, we take the first step towards living …