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Posts by Lucy

So… What Actually Happens at Graduation?

Since starting university three years ago, I always saw graduation as being a mystic event in the distant future. However, as of yesterday, that futuristic vision entered the territory of the past and I became a graduate. Due to the mystery that I saw as shrouding this event, yesterday was a real eye-opener – finally …

21 Pieces of Advice From a Third-Year

Having just turned 21, I have reached one of them pivotal milestones. I’m no longer occupying the ambiguous ‘20’ title, instead 21 seems to mark the beginning of adulthood… Unless you believe science then that apparently starts at 30, but anyway, entering adult life is becoming a bigger and more real prospect every. single. day. …

My Top 5 Revision Based Apps

A lot of the time, technology gets a bad rep when it comes to studying, especially when it comes to using smartphones and tablets. They are deemed as being distracting, mind numbing and a cause of stress and anxiety – none of which bode well with productivity. However, I’m here to defend the use of …

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Ways to Keep Fit from a Self-Confessed Fit-Phobe

I’ve talked about it before, and I’ll probably talk about it again, but I exercise now. Yes, that’s right, I actively put on a pair of trainers and break a sweat. As someone who previously hadn’t exercised since year 11 PE lessons, this is a breakthrough in my way of life, improving my wellbeing on …

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A Guide to Overcoming Disorganisation

At the beginning of every term I’ve been at university, I have told myself that this will be the semester that I will be organised. Whether that means keeping on top of my workload, eating regular (normal) meals or sticking to a general ‘life’ schedule, I set out to manage my life to a T. …

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10 Things You Know if You’re Writing a Dissertation

If you’re reading at this right now, I assume that you are in the midst of reading 10000000s of books, taking too many notes and struggling to fathom where to even start on your dissertation. As your dissertation deadline creeps closer, you may as well spend your time procrastinating and reading this post because, at …

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Signs You’re in Your Final Year of University

The library has become your second home that you might as well start paying your share of the bills. Talking about the library, your routine is planned to the minutest detail. You have an outfit, a meal plan and even a seat reserved for you in the library. You’re that person now. You’ve learned to …

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5 Things you Should Know About Living in a Student House

It Gets Messy Real Quick Living in halls means that you become immune to mess. Although living in a house may not be as messy as living in student halls, it certainly makes you more aware of the mess that is there. Indeed, gone are the days of weekly cleaning visits, for now you are …

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5 Places to Eat in Nottingham

For When You Want a Sweet Fix: Rub Smokehouse Known for their food challenges and their monster concoctions (I’m talking waffle burgers and lasagne burritos here), Rub Smokehouse is a place that goes above and beyond when it comes to feeding their diners. However, taking a step back from their main meals and focusing on …

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How to Survive a Group Project

In first year, I had to do a presentation about how the book 1984 could be regarded as a piece of literature. At the time, I thought it was the worst thing in the world because nothing fills me with more fear than giving a presentation. Quite simply, I would rather be tucking into the …

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