February 4, 2014, by Ollie

Superblog XL

LADIES AND GENTLEMAN! It is time, for the one time a week event that you’re actually used to by now. The Super blog XL. Please take your seats, grab your snacks and sit back and enjoy the show!

Right… so let me explain that introduction was in honour of the Superbowl XLVIII that happened this Sunday between Seattle Seahawks and the Denver Broncos. What I can tell you is that the Seahawks destroyed the Broncos 43-8 but apart from that I can’t really tell you much else about it. I’m never watched American Football before, followed it or understood it but after the Ice Hockey experienced I was really looking forward to watching something new and seeing if I got into it.

ready for the off!

ready for the off!

After some explanations from the resident expert Ben Pardy, proud Seahawks fan, I actually did understand it, a bit. With coverage starting at 10:30 and the show finishing at 3:30 it was going to be a challenge to stay awake and enthused and many a participant fell by the wayside leaving just myself, (although I couldn’t leave as it was at my house otherwise I perhaps would have done) Ben, Jackson Lam and Campbell Furniss to yawn and commend each other on a job well done.

Ben, happy that his team won, decided to pose for me.

Ben, happy that his team won, decided to pose for me.

We were helped by some mammoth pizzas and a few drinks with the leftovers being recycled the next day.

So last week was the start of a new set of modules for a new term and I have to say I’m really enjoying them so far. My timetable is quite good with a lot of free time from Wednesday onwards which suits me. Rather get the work done in a few days than have it spread round all over the place. My favourite module so far is the Biological Photography and Imaging module. A unique module offered to us Biology students, we essentially learn how to take proper pictures with proper cameras and it’s certainly a welcome break from scrawling down notes on topics ranging from the different Immunoglobin classes and blastopore development and the differences between Deuterostomes and Protostomes (sounds interesting right? (although that’s sarcasm it is actually enjoyable)).

SO… on Sunday I got to get out for the first time and take some pictures to fit a brief we’d been given. The pictures may eventually be used in a portfolio presenting our work.  Whilst it may be a break from ‘hard work’ it’s not by any means an easy module especially when you’re not very imaginative like me!

I see art where there is none #paw #humanfoot #homologous

I see art where there is none #paw #humanfoot #homologous

Posted in Ollie