May 31, 2013, by Ollie

With a heavy heart

Less than one week lies between me and freedom, me and second year and sadly, me and the end of this position as the ‘Fresher blogger’.

Last night when trying to post my blog I was belied by the internet, which for close to a week has been defunct in my hall. All problems resolved I can get back on with the job in hand, apologies all the same for not posting on time. I also didn’t post last week due to having a busy exam schedule so sorry for keeping you all avidly waiting!

The source of internet problems

The source of internet problems

So last time I flashed back at first year and the memories and now it’s time unfortuanetely to look ahead. First year is nearly over? How is that even possible. My laptop has somehow survived the whole year. That shouldn’t have been possible and I managed to make *virtually all 9am starts throughout the year, that should have been impossible.

So I got thinking about how I feel now, compared to how I felt at the start of University. The nerves are gone, the confidence is at an all time high and I’m happy. It was a big decision to come to University and there were a few doubts in my mind.

Would I like my course? Would I make new friends? Would I not miss home?

Yes. Yes. Yes.

I love what I’m studying, it holds my interest and I want to come back and learn more next year, towards the end of my school years I had to question whether I wanted to do it all again, to stay in education and be judged by exams and grades but the course I’m studying and the people I’ve made friends with have made me realise that this was the right step for me. Not only was it a big step but it was a big step away from home, yes the good old Lincolnshire is only an hour and a bit away but I’ve been tested for the first time in my abilities to get by. The journey was made easier… maybe not tastier but easier by not having to cook this first year. The Atrium on Jubilee has served me some good grub, some inbetween grub and sometimes it’s missed the mark BUT I really can’t complain and the last day I eat there I might even feel a bit sad to be saying goodbye to the catered experience.

The Atrium. My culinary home.

The Atrium. My culinary home.

My room, my hovel, my home. It wasn’t long til I started calling it home and it really does feel like that. I spend most of my time at this desk. I moved home once when I was 2 and being so young have no recollection of it, so aside from my actual home, this is the first time I’ve ‘moved’ and it’s not an experience I’m looking forward to, carrying my stuff out of the door, which doesn’t quite shut properly, for the last time and wondering about whoever may be living in it next year. It did its job, provided for all my needs and not to mention was cleaned fornightly so I didn’t need to do it myself. Heaven!

But next year I can look forward to making food when I want to, eating the food I want to eat, as well as experiencing what it’s like to exist outside of a singular room. I’m very much looking forward to the house experience, to not staying in one room all the time and to not being woken up by fire alarms and very noisy people.

So with a heavy heart I’ll be leaving Halls and first year behind and moving on but there’s still a few exams to get through first.

To end on a happier, picture based note in the two weeks since my last blog a family of ducks moved into the Newark Quad. Here is Mr. Duck looking for the nest.

Mr. Duck looking for his kids.

Mr. Duck looking for his kids.

Following on from this a duckling was found inside the Exchange building and after efforts were made to find the mother it was looked after for a night by our JCR President before being picked up by the RSPCA, alive and well the next day.

The duckling with JCR President and temporary mum, Goldie.

The duckling with JCR President and temporary mum, Goldie.

And finally exams are hard on us all and frazzle our brains but wearing a dressing gown in an exam… why!

overheard him at least saying he smashed the exam! Well done?

overheard him at least saying he smashed the exam! Well done?


*virtually – doesn’t imply that I did actually virtually make it to all 9am starts.

Posted in Ollie