June 7, 2012, by Gael
Parties and Pampering
So it’s been almost a week since I completed the final ten credits of my degree and it’s been a week of peace, relaxing and preparations for the next chapter of my life. I think Saturday was my favourite day of them all, it was a rainy day in Nottingham and therefore the perfect day to spend in bed, snuggled up in my duvet catching up on TV shows and drinking numerous cups of tea and revelling in having nothing to do. It was a wonderful feeling waking up on Saturday morning and realising that I could sleep in, that there was nothing I had to do that day. Friday evening consisted of celebrations with a great dinner out at TGI and cocktails and shots as Pitcher and Piano and Coco Tang, some of my favourite bars in Nottingham. Not only was it a celebration of the completion of my degree, but it also got us in the sprits for a party weekend for HRH Queen Elizabeth. I’m sure, like many others, I felt very proud to be British this weekend, and as I enjoyed my freedom and the weekend in Nottingham, Leicester and Cambridge it was wonderful to see the whole of the UK celebrating her impressive 60 years.
As this chapter of my life is completing and drawing to a close, my student days are getting shorter and exams are now long gone, it’s time to start making solid plans for the future. I’ve begun making arrangements to move to Leicester for my new job at the beginning of August, being so close to Nottingham means I’ll probably pop back every few months to catch up with friends who are still here and re-live my student hazy days. In the next couple of weeks I also have a few meetings arranged to really start getting involved in my new job – it’s a scary thought to be joining the real world!
This week I’ve been enjoying relaxing at home and indulging in some pampering…when you’re in the middle of revision, everything takes a backseat, including general image. So now it’s all over I’ve enjoyed getting my nails done, having my hair restyled, indulging in face masks and cucumbers, and lots of bubble baths. As my time at home draws to an end I’m gearing up for my last two weeks at Nottingham. It’s the time to make the social side of studenthood count. To make the most of Nottingham’s haunts, gems, and party places that I have made such happy memories previously and to enjoy all of these moments with the people who have made my three years at UoN so enjoyable and shaped my experiences there. So here’s to the next two weeks, and an honourable goodbye to the University and City that has offered 3 fantastic years.
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