May 10, 2023, by Lucy Cooper
Summer is coming
We might be in the middle of exam and deadline season at the moment, but there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Our long days in the library, in front of computer screens will soon turn into sunny (although, with the typical Great British Summer in mind, this can’t be guaranteed) afternoons at Wollaton Park or on the Downs. Here’s a list of things to look forward to that I’ve compiled to keep you going:
Guilt-free trips into the city
With the weight of exams off your shoulders, you’ll be able to explore and make the most of everything that the city of Nottingham has to offer, whether this is shops, exploring new areas and parks, or (my personal favourite) the many exciting restaurants that the city centre has to offer. The stresses and busyness of the academic year often prevent me from going into the city as much as I would like to, and I would really like to make the most of the city before I go home.
An empty timetable
With exams and lectures finished for the year, your life will be a lot less busy. Every year I struggle to adapt to the strange feeling of having nothing to do that comes immediately after the end of exams, but it comes with huge opportunities. summer is incredibly long and allows you to decide how you wish to fill it, whether that’s a summer-job to earn some money before the coming academic year, an internship to gain some work experience, travel, or simply making the most of having nothing to do.
Seeing friends from home
If you’re going home for the summer, the length of the holidays provides you with the perfect amount of time to see old friends. You’ve spent the academic year with new faces, the summer is the perfect occasion to spend time with old ones too.
(Final year’s only) Graduation!
In the middle of exams it certainly seems like a very far-off plan, but it will come quicker than you think. It’s the perfect way to wave goodbye to three years at the University and to celebrate all your achievements. It may be miles away, but the end of July is fast approaching and you will soon be able to celebrate with your peers and family members. Every assignment and exam completed is a step closer to the end goal. Keep going.
In a matter of weeks, you’ll be able to say goodbye to exams and hello to summer freedom. The academic year will be over in a matter of weeks, and exams will be no more. It’s really important to keep things in perspective this time of year as the stress soon will be over. Good luck!
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