September 7, 2022, by Lucy Cooper
Essential UoN items that you can’t forget
Packing for uni is stressful – and then moving across the country with your whole life squished into a car is even worse. There are some UoN specific essentials that I have used throughout my time here and, in my eyes, are essential for your survival as a student.
Catered Halls
Despite living in catered halls, some basic kitchenware can come in incredibly useful. Think cutlery, a plate and a bowl. Although your food will be provided, there will be times where you order takeaways and need tools to help you eat them. You will be thankful when you order a midnight Dominoes to get you through your essay. Or when you have a (slightly more economic) emergency Pot Noodle in the middle of the night.
Extension Leads
In some modern student accommodation buildings you will be spoiled for choice when it comes to plug sockets, but in older ones (a lot of catered halls on campus) or student houses, this will be an essential. I was blessed with four plug sockets in my catered halls room, but they were all in one corner of my room, which was the furthest they could have been from my bed and desk.
A Reusable Coffee Cup
Here you have a choice (if you don’t already have one) – it may be worth waiting for the DiscoverNottingham fair where they are often given out for free by local businesses… in fact, you can probably supplement any forgotten stationery using this technique. Portland Coffee offer discounts for students that bring their own cups so this is a good way to save some money.
A Very Resistant Pair of Trainers
Our campus is huge and you will do a lot of walking. In my first year I averaged 15,000 steps a day. To survive Portland Hill (and if you don’t know what this is, you will), you need a decent pair of trainers that you are prepared to expose to all weather conditions.
An Updated Amazon Address Book
There are a lot of Amazon lockers around campus which allow you to get things delivered quickly (especially if you use the student Prime discount or steal your parents’). If you’re an Amazon user, make sure to update your address book so as not to send things to your home, many hours away.
Hopefully these packing essentials will help you along. Remember that whatever you pack, you will have to find space for when you arrive in your (often small) student accommodation. Good luck!
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