February 28, 2018, by Lucy

How to Get Out of a Midterm Slump

So, we’re half way through the second term of university (how that happened beats me), it’s cold, dark and bleak to say the least outside. Chances are you’re starting to think about impending pieces of coursework / exams and are lacking the motivation to do anything about these matters. Fear no, my friend, because I have some tips on how you can pull yourself out of this pit of despair to save you the hassle of having 1000 pieces of work to do come deadline season.


Do little and often

Any task will seem daunting when you see it as one gigantic thing that you need to do, it’s inevitable. However, breaking it up into smaller more manageable tasks can make the workload seem easier to comprehend and manage. Rather than shutting yourself off from all life forms in order to cram write an essay in a day, do a bit of work here and there to gradually build up the final product. Read a chapter every so often. Make revision notes after a lecture. Whatever you do to break down the workload, remember that every little helps. Rome wasn’t built in a day.


Plan out your schedule

If, like me, you often come to the start of a new week realising that the only thing you have to show for the week before is the fest of having watched another series of Peep Show then planning may be in your favour. To stop yourself feeling as if you’re constantly wasting your time or, conversely, that too much time is spent working, make a timetable of what to do when. Whether this timetable takes a structured form or the form of a to do list, planning the things that you need to do will increase productivity as well as relying for a healthy work-life balance. Got a deadline in a week’s time? Maybe you should prioritise that. Don’t understand a subject? Learn what you do know. Done a lot during the week? Give yourself a break. Get to know what your learning habits are and maximise the use of your time.


Make time on campus productive

As annoying as one hour gals in your timetable are, work wise they can be extremely beneficial. If you ever find yourself between timetabled slots wondering how best to spend your time, why not make the most of the excellent facilities on campus. Whether you go to Hallward to hit up some books or go to study spaces to catch up on some lectures, there’s an abundance of environments on campus aimed at facilitating your educational journey. Having said this, if your slump isn’t to do with academia, why make use of services such as careers and volunteering or even go to a coffee shop to simply catch a break?


Listen to your lecturers

If your lecturer tells you to do the reading and make notes in lectures and seminars then do what they say… I mean, they’re the ones teaching and assessing the module. University is predominantly about independence so if a member of staff explicitly tells you what to do to ensure success, you would be a fool to disregard their information. They are genuinely only here to help you out. Seriously. Listen to them!


Think of future you

Picture this: its April, you are in a chocolate induced coma, too full to possibly pick up a pen, let alone a textbook. But wait, what’s that? Oh, yeah, that’s irrelevant because you have no reason to pick up a pen or a textbook, you are on top of your work. You are ahead of the curve. Imagine future you. Make future you proud.

Posted in Lucy