May 18, 2014, by Eve
Give Me a Mood and I’ll Give You a Movie
People say that their music choice depends on their mood. So true. You wouldn’t pump up the Beach Boys if you’d just been dumped or if you were feeling excessively hostile towards all things sunny. For me, though, I think that my movie choices are just as dependent upon my mood. And so I thought I’d muse over some of the movies I’d recommend for certain moods.
For a serious case of the Blues:
For me, the best way to deal with the Blues is to just let it out! And here are some films which will let you:
Muriel’s Wedding – not too well known, incredibly depressing
Schindler’s List
Went The Day Well – Nazis undercover in a British village, the day does not go well
Or (the softer options):
The Lion King
Tangled and Frozen (back to back)
Exam-Motivated Mania:
You need something to block out all the revision and essay plans and writing and thinking. My first recommendation is something to keep your high-wired brain active and the second is more of an easy going option for when your brain has gone to mush.
Fight Club – maybe get someone else to watch it with you so you can watch it anew through their eyes
Iron Man or any other thrilling (but mindless) superhero film
Need a Pick-Me-Up:
A mood one more positive step up from the Blues; when you’re feeling a bit down, but not too depressed.
Little Miss Sunshine
Clueless – the amazing teen-chick-flick of Austen’s ‘Emma’
Singin’ in the Rain – the classic musical!
Lost in Boredom:
Not really in the mood to think too hard about what to watch. Just stick something on to pass the time. But hopefully these choices will keep you engrossed.
The Godfather Part I and II (no one has time for III)
The Way We Were
Rear Window – it’s a good afternoon movie
Nothing extraordinary has happened but you’re feeling good and want to have a bit of mini celebration or, at least, just give yourself a smile.
500 Days of Summer
Raiders of The Lost Ark
Some Like It Hot
Feeling Romantic:
Maybe you’ve got a new crush or your relationship is just going really great. You just want to be submerged in ridiculously cliché lovey-dovey stuff!
Bridget Jones (One and Two back to back)
Bridge and Prejudice (the TV series with Collin, not the ridiculous Keria Knightly film!)
Four Weddings and a Funeral
Overly Giggly:
You’re going to need a movie you’ve seen hundreds of times before, something you can talk over and laugh hysterically at old jokes. These are some movies to get out the popcorn, crisps, chocolates and cookies!
School of Rock
Mean Girls
I definitely think Netflix should consider organising their film collections into moods rather than genre, it would be much more helpful.
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