October 8, 2013, by Ollie
Oliver Steels and The Phantom Keys
There are a hundred and one important things I could talk about in this blog. About the transition from living in halls to living in a house, about my ambitions and plans for this year and about my first committee event and about Returners’ Week in general but there is a mystery afoot and one I must share with you all.
Its been more than two weeks since moving in and I’m still alive, I’ve survived the kitchen, and the woefully created curries and runny omelettes, the manual drying on a washing line in the garden and the scary basement where the internet lives but one thing has vexed me more than anything else and that is my Phantom Keys
Let me give you a little background information. Upon moving in my key only worked on the inside, by that I mean it locked it perfectly, you could even perhaps say efficiently but only from inside. Outside the house was another matter, here the efficiency of the key declined rather dramatically. It fit the lock but wouldn’t turn a budge and so the key problems began. Not once but twice I found myself locked out, once I was rescued by the landlord the second time by my housemate. Enough was enough I needed to get a new key cut and put an end to the problem BUT it would have to wait til the weekend as I went home in order to fetch a few more things to Nottingham.
Here is where the plot thickened, I left my house key at my Nottingham house but brought my room key back home with me. I locked my room door with the room key and pocketed it. Arriving back home I patted down my pocket and there was my key but by Saturday night the key was gone. I hadn’t consciously moved it out of my pocket so it must have fallen out somewhere in the fields of Lincolnshire as I had been out most of the day. I was now in a bit of a pickle. How would I get into my room when I got back. Well once again my landlord came to the rescue and dropped off a spare to my house. I got home on Sunday afternoon and picked up the spare and went and unlocked my room. It was just as I left it, fairly empty and seeing as it was locked nobody had gone in or out.
So I unpacked and organised my room, set up my electronics and put clothes into the wardrobe. The bed was already sorted, the reason why I tell you this will become apparent. I spent a couple of hours relaxing outside my room before making the sensible decision to get an early night ahead of my first day of lectures. I had the same pair of jeans on that I’d had all weekend but I went and changed upstairs and had a shower and then came back down to my room.
Now I was in for a shock. On my bed, clear as day was my room key. Not the spare, as that was on my keyring the place where I put it the moment I’d unlocked my door earlier in the day. My lost key, lost somewhere between Friday night and Saturday night, so therefore somewhere in Lincolnshire, turned up on my bed, inside the very room I locked with that key.
Was it magic? Was it a my housemates playing a trick on me? Was it my stupidity and it had fallen out of my jeans? (I swear it wasn’t there). Or was it ghosts?
The Phantom Keys have left a lasting mark on me. The mystery still puzzles me, so much so I thought it worthy of blogging about. I look forward to hopefully getting back on track and bringing you more Student related blogs in the future but for now I’ll leave you as perplexed as I feel.
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