February 3, 2012, by Mark

‘What pants are you wearing out tonight?’

In a week that saw Mitt Romney move a step closer to becoming Republican candidate for the upcoming US election and social networking site facebook announced a $5billion yard sale of stocks, I have become deeply engrossed in American culture.

I have begun learning American English. So when someone asks ‘What pants are you wearing out tonight?’ I now know they mean trousers and aren’t in fact inquiring as to my underwear choice. I have learnt not to ‘jaywalk’ at a ‘crosswalk’ before my allotted time. Meaning, I now don’t cross the zebra crossing until I’m meant too, avoiding beastly SUV’s. I am also recovering from some intense indoor soccer, known at home as five-a-side football.

Earlier in the week I was invited to represent Nottingham University at the University of Virginia Study Abroad fair. Answering everything from what British University life is like to where the members of the Royal Family study.

As well as learning new ways of expressing my mother tongue I have been getting use to the more intense academic program, with a greater focus on daily homework. At Nottingham University I study BA (Hons) Humanities and as the first of my kind let loose abroad I have taken full advantage of the variable courses available within the School of Arts & Sciences I am enrolled in here. I am taking; ‘The History of Vietnam’ (History), Literature & Culture Since 9/11 (English), Black & White Photography (Fine Art) and Graffiti & Remix Culture (All of the above combined with music).

This weekend promises to be a corker, as it is the culmination of the American Football season (NFL) it is Superbowl XLVI. Over 111 million people watched the game last year with more expected to tune this year with the New York Giants taking on the New England Patriots. Even those not interested in American Football join in for the halftime entertainment this year provided by Queen of Pop, Madonna. Another crowd puller is the constant commercials that cost around $4m (£2.5m) for 30 seconds of airtime. Nothing is done on a small scale stateside…

– Mark J Richardson

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