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Posts by brzbs1

Scholar in Focus: Rachel Ellis

Recently, the University of Nottingham competed in the BUCS Canoe Slalom Championships at nearby Holme Pierrepont, and competing for the #GreenandGold at the event was scholar Rachel Ellis. Rachel claimed a brilliant gold medal in the Mixed Teams discipline and we caught up with Rachel afterwards to find out how she found the competition, as …

Scholar in Focus: Sam Mostowfi

Ahead of this weekend’s BUCS Gymnastics Championships where we will have many of our gymnastics club competing, we spoke to Sam Mostowfi who is one of our sports scholars at the University of Nottingham. In a great interview, we spoke about the upcoming event for him and his team mates, as well as his journey …

Scholars in Focus: Tristan Santoyo & Ally Barber

With our Volleyball Headliner event fast approaching on February 2, featuring both the men’s and women’s first teams in back-to-back BUCS fixtures, we recently spoke to two of the players who will be taking to the court for the #GreenandGold. Both Tristan Santoyo and Ally Barber are sport scholars at the University of Nottingham and …

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Getting the best out of your Sport & Fitness Membership in 2022!

With the majority of students now returned to campus and well underway with term two, we wanted to provide a reminder of all that’s on offer with UoN Sport. From access to our fantastic campus-wide facilities, to being able to utilise the knowledge of our expert fitness team, you can #FindYourActive this year without leaving …

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A year in review: 2021

2021 has most definitely been a year of two halves for everyone at the University of Nottingham Sport, but also a very successful year. Having started the year in lockdown, we are so grateful to have seen the #GreenandGold return to campus, fitness facilities and sports fields over the last five to six months. We …

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A re-cap of our BUCS Term 1 action

This term we have been delighted to see students return to our sport and fitness facilities across our campuses. This has also meant that we have seen the #GreenandGold return to BUCS (British Universities and Colleges Sport) competition, with the University of Nottingham pitting themselves against other British universities across a host of sports. With …

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Scholar in Focus: Louisa Piper

Last weekend University of Nottingham student and sport scholar Louisa Piper competed at the National Indoor Archery Championships in Warwickshire. It was a very successful competition for Louisa, finishing 2nd in the Women’s Recurve event to come away with a silver medal. We spoke with Louisa during one of her practice sessions in the run-up …

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Club in Focus: Korfball

Recently the University of Nottingham Korfball club took part in the BUCS (British Universities & Colleges Sport) Prelims Tournament which was the first round of competition for the #GreenandGold this season. On the day (28 November) the university had four teams competing whilst the University of Manchester had two, and Nottingham Trent University entered one. …

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Scholar in Focus: Nike Lorenz

Our latest sit down discussion with one of our outstanding sport scholars saw us talking hockey with an Olympic Bronze medal winner, Nike Lorenz. Nike (Nee-Ka) is a current German international as well as a pivotal part of the #GreenandGold. We spoke with her about her path to performing at the very highest level, as …

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The Headliner: Meet the coach

Ahead of tomorrow’s Headliner event at David Ross Sports Village, where the University of Nottingham Men’s Football 1st team takes on Birmingham in the opening round of the BUCS Trophy, we caught up with the teams coach, Tom Hayes, on how the team have started the season and are preparing for the Headliner. Thank you …

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