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British Science Association Media Fellowships – deadline approaching

This is on the News Room blog but just in case you missed it. There are just a few hours left to apply for a funded place on the British Science Association’s Media Fellowship Scheme. Deadline tomorrow. If you have a real enthusiasm for science communication – and can give examples to support this – then read …

Multidisciplinary Aerospace Research Challenge

Prof Hervé Morvan, Director of the Institute for Aerospace Technology, gives some background on the Aerospace Research Challenge, an opportunity for researchers across all faculties to receive project funding up to £50,000. The Institute for Aerospace Technology (IAT) is running a multidisciplinary Aerospace Research Challenge (MARCh) aiming to seed new ideas for research with applicability …

When the chips are down, is poker a skill?

A new study has reignited the debate over whether poker winnings should be taxed by suggesting that the game becomes one of skill after around 1,500 hands. Researchers at Nottingham analysed hundreds of millions of online plays to arrive at the finding, which could have major repercussions for card-sharps around the world. Poker is among …

Engineering — not just for boys

It’s International Women’s Day today. So it seems appropriate to share the thoughts of one of our top engineers on the subject of how STEM subjects are VERY DEFINITELY #notjustforboys Being in an engineering faculty means working closely with industry, and seeing the impact of our work on real systems. That’s certainly #notjustforboys — says …

Research staff — sign up for your development conference

Have you signed up for the Research Staff Development Conference yet? Learn more about the event in this guest post from our friends in the Graduate School… New Year, new you? The annual Research Staff Development Conference is an opportunity for research staff at the University to take a day out to focus on their …