Author Post Archive

Posts by Rob Ounsworth

A welcome message from Pip Peakman, Director of Research and Innovation

Pip Peakman joined the University in September 2019. A Biochemistry graduate from the University of Birmingham, Pip was previously the Director of Research Operations and Strategy at the Manchester Cancer Research Centre.  My first few months at the University have been spent in full absorption mode. I have met with many colleagues, started to become familiar with our fantastic UK campuses (UNNC and UNM visits in …

Nottingham’s Biodiscovery Institute makes my heart go boom

Guest blog by Professor Chris Denning of the University of Nottingham’s Biodiscovery Institute.   It’s Valentine’s Day, so forgive me for sharing a passion that make my heart beat faster…  As a stem cell researcher, I’m excited that here at Nottingham we are working towards the prospect of mending broken hearts: when someone suffers a heart attack they lose billions of heart …

Internet Safety Day: how data literacy can help young people stay safe online

Dr Elvira Perez Vallejos is a psychologist and researcher based at the University of Nottingham’s Institute of Mental Health. Here she explains why it’s essential to place the experiences of young people at heart of legislation designed to keep them safer online. Navigating through uncertainty Today is Internet Safety Day, the ideal time to highlight …

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A glimpse into the future of UK fruit production for PhD researcher

Blog by Kellie Smith, a University of Nottingham PhD student researching agriculture and food security I am a new PhD student on a Biotech and Biosciences Research Council (BBSRC)-funded doctoral training programme, which includes a rotation year and the chance to do three mini projects in different lab groups before choosing your main focus. As …

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PhD student Colette is research quiz winner

PhD student Colette Milbourn is our 2019 research quiz champion and winner of this chocolate wreath created by Louisa’s Vegan Chocolates of Nottingham. Colette, who is studying neuroimaging and is based in the School of Biosciences, correctly answered questions relating to research at the University over the past year. The chocolate wreath was made from …

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Brexit: European research funding

Guest blog by Professor Dame Jessica Corner Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange The UK’s position in Europe – and implications for future access to European funding by research institutions such as the University of Nottingham – has been uncertain over many months. Following the result of the General Election the picture has become clearer. …

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UK’s first forum for female academic entrepreneurs launches at the University of Nottingham

The UK’s first forum for female academic entrepreneurs was being launched today (15 January 2020) at the University of Nottingham. The Midlands Innovation Commercialisation of Research Accelerator (MICRA) created the forum to bring together women to explore entrepreneurship as a pathway for delivering societal and economic impact from their research. University spin-out companies play a …

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Research Strategy update – an invitation to join colleagues at faculty-based briefings

A series of Research Strategy briefings are being held across the University’s campuses to update researchers and all those dedicated to supporting the delivery of our world-class discoveries.   The briefings are being hosted at faculty level, underlining that communicating and engaging with all our researchers is central to our Research Strategy.   Each briefing will be hosted by the faculty’s Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange and were taking place on the …

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Our world-leading research: an update from Professor Dame Jessica Corner

Professor Dame Jessica Corner, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange, updates on recent progress supporting the University’s mission of delivering world-leading research that transforms lives. We are moving from shaping and implementing our research strategy to an emphasis on the delivery of our goals, as we further align with the University’s new strategy. The new …

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REF2021: we’re in good shape thanks to your dedication and continuing hard work

Professor Dame Jessica Corner, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange, updates on progress towards REF2021 We are approaching the final stages of preparations for REF2021 and will take stock of our submission in the new year. While there remains a tremendous amount to do, I believe we are well-prepared thanks to everyone’s efforts. Our REF …

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