April 4, 2016, by Ryan Neal
Phased GoLive to begin in August 2016
GoLive 3 of Project Transform begins in August. This marks the final stage of our move to a new, global, single record student administration system. The legacy systems which currently maintain and feed data into our student record will start to switch over to new processes and the Campus Solutions system.
The implementation of the new system and processes will be phased. This will help the new Student Services and External Relations teams in the UK and colleagues in China and Malaysia to prepare for key points in the recruitment cycle and the student journey.
We’re currently planning the phased approach across key departments across the UK, China and Malaysia. We’re working collectively to determine the optimum points in the academic year to launch each system across our global sites. We will update you on the agreed launch schedule by the end of April.
Phased implementation also means that each new process launch can be fully supported by Project Transform and colleagues in IS. Launching all processes at once will put a high demand on support colleagues. By staggering the launch our teams can focus on supporting particular processes through their first weeks online, ensuring that the system and teams are confident and settled before moving to the next process.
The system is now built and we are testing it thoroughly.
Improving the student experience is the driving force behind the changes we’re making, both to our technical systems and the wider structure of the University in the UK. We know that the transition from one way of working to another risks damaging the student experience, but by phasing the implementation of our new student records system we hope to minimise that risk wherever possible.
Thank you for all of your support so far. We’re about to implement a new system and ways of working which will have a huge impact on the way we function as a University. This has been a difficult process so far, and will be challenging throughout the transition to the new system. Your continued support is essential to ensuring its success.
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