Undergraduate students relaxing in a garden opposite the Administration Building, Ningbo campus, China

May 3, 2017, by Jessica Watson

Campus Solutions student records live in China

On Friday 28 April, the new student records module of Campus Solutions successfully launched in China.

Staff across the Ningbo campus are now starting to use the system to manage student records. The launch is the next step in the streamlining of administrative processes across the three campuses. It follows the go-live in Malaysia, where staff and students have been using the system since January.

Thank you to the team

Dr. Jennifer Weinman, Executive Director of Global Student Experience, had this to say to the team:

“I would like to express my gratitude to those of you who have supported this in the past months. This is a large and complex project, which requires hard work and determination from both the project team and business units.”

Continuing development

The successful launch of student records is only the first milestone for our China campus. The journey toward continuous improvement will last throughout the summer. Further launches planned for later this year include the go-live of the student portal MyNottingham.

The Project Transform team continue to learn from each go-live and build improvements for the next milestone. After a week of hard work, the team only experienced a few issues on the day. The issues were resolved for users within the day.

Congratulations to everyone involved in the go-live.

Posted in China