September 6, 2016, by Postgraduate Placements Nottingham

Communicating the power of makeup

Trishna Daswaney, Director of Kohl Kreatives, talks about her experience of hosting Diana, a postgraduate placement student.

8436a6_bc39d04bbaf24010899fa17de2edb6ebKohl Kreatives is a new enterprise, endorsed by the University of Nottingham, which is unique in producing a fabulous range of makeup brushes and matte liquid lipsticks as a charitable free service that benefits the transgender and cancer communities.

As an entrepreneur I’m constantly improving, growing and changing what I do based on my environment and I could see that PR (Public Relations) resource was the one thing we were severely lacking. I approached the PPN scheme to see if they could assist us in achieving our ever growing goals and targets, and they helped me to recruit Diana, a postgraduate placement student with the relevant skills.

Diana’s project brief is to carry out market research on buyers both nationally and internationally, and produce a marketing, communications and promotions plan to support and grow the business through e-marketing, blogging and social media marketing. PR can be a challenging as well as rewarding job, often involving working towards tough deadlines in a tough, but rewarding atmosphere, and we are so lucky to have Diana on our team. She has been amazing at getting events organised, coordinating the rest of our team and pushing the positivity and encouragement on along the way.

My favourite experience of working with Diana so far has been being able to communicate the first hand results of making a difference in someone’s life through the power of makeup to colleagues within the company. It has also been heart-warming and encouraging to have Diana participate and record workshops for the transgender community so we can share them with the rest of the world!

If you are a business interested in offering a postgraduate placement please visit our webpage for more information.

Posted in Placements