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Working with future innovators

Discover how Datamango’s collaboration with the University of Nottingham’s placement programme fosters innovation and growth Written by Dave Westbrook, Chief Operating Officer, Datamango At Datamango, we’re software engineers and product developers. However, while clients may see some of the process and the value we deliver, it doesn’t always demonstrate what’s at the heart of what …

Reflecting on responsible research and innovation: placing people, practice and projects in the picture

In this piece Dr Alan Chamberlain reflects on the nature of responsible innovation in different contexts in the academic research ecosystem. Written by Dr Alan Chamberlain, with input from: Dr Oliver Butler (School of Law), Prof Katherine Linehan (PVC for EDI, People & Culture) and Prof Richard Graham (APVC for the Researcher Academy and Researcher …

Exploring the epic legacy: a journey into the Ancient Greek world

Hello there! My name is Abigail Spanner, and I am currently a second-year PhD student at the University of Nottingham, studying Classics. My overall thesis is on the theme of blindness (literal and metaphorical) in Quintus Smyrnaeus’ Posthomerica (a 14-book Greek epic poem from roughly AD 200-300). For my first year I was completely self-funded …

A passion for cybersecurity

Binitha John, a researcher in the School of Computer Science, tells us about her  placement project at DataMango. I first learned about the Researcher Academy’s Postgraduate Placements during one of the social events organised by the science department for PGT students. Upon speaking with a representative, I discovered that I had already signed up to …

Developing research and professional skills in Transylvania

When I learned about the Overseas Institutional Visit (OIV) scheme in our induction I was immediately interested in applying, but as a researcher with an overseas focus I was aware that it shouldn’t be a fieldwork trip in disguise. Instead, I organised my OIV so that I was based both at the University of Babeş-Bolyai …

3 reasons not to go on an overseas institutional visit

Jennifer Norris, School of Education, University of Nottingham I went on a 3 month research visit to Uppsala, Sweden in the spring of 2023. It was fantastic but also challenging. I know others have shared some of the many benefits of an overseas visit on this blog, so I thought I would balance things out …

The UoN DTP PhD – the lives behind the acronyms 10 years later!

Harriet Day looks back on her experience of the BBSRC DTP and how it shaped her cohort of peers. In September 2013 I, along with approximately 30 others, embarked upon our PhD journeys at the university of Nottingham. Specifically, we were all doing a “unique” kind of PhD: a doctoral training partnership, or DTP. Being …

New Chair of Research Staff Group: Leading a Positive Culture of Change

This month we want to highlight some of the activities and policies that the University of Nottingham are engaged in to help support and develop our Research Staff across the university. In this article we’re going to hear from Dr Alan Chamberlain, the Chair of the Research Staff Group, a Senior Research Fellow in Computer …

My experience of the Researcher Academy’s Innovation and KE training programme

Dr. Tharwat Hassan on his experience of the Researcher Academy’s Innovation and KE training programme. I graduated from the University of Nottingham in July 2023 with a PhD in Chemistry. During my PhD journey, I used to receive regular emails from the Researcher Academy offering the available and upcoming short courses and training. I took …

Building platforms, skills and confidence

Parvathi from the School of Psychology on her Researcher Academy placement at BREASTAid. As a student getting started on an early-stage career it can be a long and winding journey before being given responsibility and ownership over one’s own projects. However a placement which the Researcher Academy team found for me, as Digital Media Marketing …