What is The Education Network and Why should I Care?
July 11, 2018
Guest post by Raj Jadav, soon-to-be final year MSci Mathematical Physics student and known to visitors to our UCAS Offer Holder days for his legendary presentation on change, choosing a university, and washing powder. Raj serves an important role in the School of Physics and Astronomy as Education Representative. Who are we? The 17/18 academic …
Staff vs Student Cricket Challenge: Match Report
June 20, 2018
School of Physics and Astronomy Cricket Academic and Research Staff vs. Undergraduates Thursday 14/06/2018 The staff won by 3 wickets, with 4 overs to spare Match report kindly provided by Prof Laurence Eaves The Academic and Research Staff won a keenly fought and exciting match under 20-20 rules at Highfields Cricket Ground on University …
PhysSoc chooses a new committee
April 4, 2018
Guest post from Jake Lester, outgoing president of the University of Nottingham Physics Society (PhysSoc). After a long year of event forms, bar crawls, sleepless nights over exams, and lots and lots (and lots) of glitter, the previous PhysSoc committee has handed the reigns over to a new team. This year we’ve seen a number …
Update: Physics Doesn’t Suck as Much
December 29, 2017
Almost by definition, university education requires students to push themselves (or be gently nudged) out of their comfort zones — that’s where the the real learning happens. As the year draws to an end, we’re delighted to feature a guest post by first-year Physics student and regular UoN Physics social media contributor Hannah Coleman, giving her …
PhysSoc welcomes a new crop of students
September 21, 2017
We’re gearing up to welcome our new crop of first-year students next week, and a host of student mentors from the student-run physics society will be on hand to help make sure everyone feels at home. In the guest post below, PhysSoc president Jake Lester explains what the society does and why it’s a good …
2017 National Student Survey (NSS) results
August 9, 2017
Guest post by Prof Michael Merrifield, Head of School The results of the National Student Survey (NSS) were published today. This survey is conducted among all graduating students every year, in which they answer a whole series of questions about their experience at university, ranging from how good the staff were at explaining things to …
Fond Farewells
July 14, 2017
Congratulations to our new BSc and Msci graduates! Only Physics graduates could do this….#UoNgraduation ?? pic.twitter.com/AoYP8YMEUX — Lesley Wood (@LesleyWoodPhoto) July 13, 2017 Graduation is always an important part of the academic calendar. It’s always a little strange to mingle at the reception we hold at the School to celebrate our new graduates: all …
Building on a solid foundation
June 29, 2017
The video below is a fantastic insight into the tenacious mindset that’s required to be a physicist. For anyone interested in studying physics (at any level), it’s a must-see. It was uploaded a few days ago by Hannah Coleman, who has recently (very) successfully completed a Foundation Year here at Nottingham and will be joining …
Join PhysSoc: a smooth start to university life
June 2, 2017
PhysSoc is here to help students enjoy a smooth transition into student life. We understand that heading off to university for the first time can be a daunting experience. You may not know quite what to expect, or how you will adjust. We want to help you settle in, find your way around, and meet …
Studying abroad: Kate and Chris in Brazil
If you’re interested in studying abroad during your undergraduate study at the University of Nottingham, there are a number of options available. One particularly exciting opportunity offered each year is for a number of students in the fourth year of our MSci Physics programs to conduct the research for their major research projects under the …