My first conference ever: personal experiences and what I’ve learned
November 30, 2018
Guest post by Jo Melton, fourth year MSci Physics undergraduate and aspiring science communicator who has previously played a big role in our social media team. With the end of my masters course looming, I realised I couldn’t put off the dreaded job search any longer. Throughout my degree I’ve not really given what I’d …
Discover Physics!
April 20, 2018
This a guest post from Hannah Coleman, first year Physics undergraduate and, along with Jo Melton, coordinator of social media for the School. Last week, fifty sixth-form students from all over the UK descended on the School of Physics and Astronomy for a two-day residential event. Now in its second year, Discover Physics, which is …
@UoN_Physics @YouTube
September 1, 2017
The School of Physics & Astronomy hasn’t been exactly shy of engaging via social media over the years. For one thing, we collaborate closely with the prolific and talented Brady Haran on a number of his successful YouTube channels including, in particular, Sixty Symbols. (The School was delighted that our efforts with Brady on Sixty …