April 26, 2013, by offcampus
County Council Elections – Beeston South and Attenborough
With County Council elections fast approaching on 2nd May 2013, we wanted to hear what messages candidates in the Beeston area wanted to get out to students in their ward. Yesterday we shared the responses from candidates in Beeston North, and today we’ve moved over to Beeston South and Attenborough.
All candidates were approached and all messages received by the time of publishing are included below, alphabetically by party. You can check for a full list of candidates in your ward on the Broxtowe Borough Council website.
Beeston South and Attenborough
Green Party – Sylvia Rule
“A little bit about the Green Party. Michael Benfield and his partner, Freda Sanders, met up with two friends in a pub in Daventry 40 years ago. They decided to start a political party, which was called People. Fifty people attended the first meeting. People became the Ecology Party in 1975 and then the Green Party of England and Wales in 1985. We currently have an MP, two MEPs, two members of the London Assembly and 130 local councillors.”
Labour Party – Kate Foale
“I haven’t been a Councillor before so if I am elected on 2 May I will work hard, listen to you and do my very best to make a real difference. It makes me very sad when I hear people on the doorstep saying things like ‘I don’t vote, politicians are all the same’ and ‘it makes no difference who I vote for, you all make promises you don’t keep’. I may be naive but I really do believe that the decisions Councillors make and the priorities they identify as important can improve the quality of people’s lives.
My experience of working with Nick Palmer and local Councillors is that they are not in in for themselves. They really care about helping people and have both integrity and the right values. So how can we encourage you to vote positively and because you feel confident that their chosen candidate will do a good job on their behalf?”
Liberal Democrats – Brian Taylor
“My advice to students would be to try and take on board local issues and the local record of the candidates in front of you; after all, these are local elections. How good is the record of the incumbent councillors? Have they kept in touch? Do they live in the area? Are they merely restating national issues or have they a track record of involvement in the community they are hoping to represent? Are they just showing the flag for party loyalists?
On this reckoning, Steve Carr in Beeston North should be everyone’s choice.”
UKIP – Vid Auty
“For generations the busybodies of the old parties and their beloved European Union have imposed ever more regulations and taxes, while attacking the family, for instance by abolishing transferable tax allowances and subsidising paid childcare to deter parents from raising their own children. Consequently society is both more restricted and less integrated than ever before, and poorer than it should be. UKIP will reduce that interference in various ways such as simpler taxes, deregulation, public service vouchers, press freedom and transferable allowances. (Many of these will always be against EU rules, which is why we need to withdraw.) And when we have set you free you will be able to prosper.
Incidentally, in principle we positively welcome migrants, but at the moment immigration needs curbing because our arrangements are too inflexible to cope with the periodic sudden EU-induced influxes. Councillors’ powers are limited, as most of the changes need Parliamentary action. But the rise of UKIP provides a golden opportunity for liberation in the coming years, so please vote for me and help keep up the momentum.”
Conservative – Eric Kerry
“I am not exactly sure how many of the students who attend the University of Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University and other Colleges in the area live in my County Council Division of Beeston South & Attenborough, but I know there are quite a few, some of whom I have met and spoken with about politics, your part in the community and contribution to the local economy. I do hope those who have a vote us it on May 2nd, but please try to vote on the local issues whoever is elected will represent you at County Hall and hopefully make a difference. Good luck with your studies.”
Conservatives – Eric Kerry (
I am not exactly sure how many of the students who attend the University of Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University and other Colleges in the area live in my County Council Division of Beeston South & Attenborough, but I know there are quite a few, some of whom I have met and spoken about politics. I try to speak to as many of you as I can, because you do play a big part in our community and add spending power into our local economy – thanks! Getting into Lower Court to deliver leaflets is a nightmare but I’ll keep trying. I attended the Freshers Fair on campus last September until the wind decided to try and blow the marquee down. There was a bit of fun and games as the Conservative and Labour stands were back to back – whoever made those plans was certainly having a laugh! I do hope those who have a vote us it on May 2nd, but please try to vote on the local issues here because whoever is elected will represent you at County Hall and hopefully make a diference, as we have done. For example, in helping bring down crime on campus and taking Nottinghamshire to 29th from 118th nationally in GCSE results, giving future generation a better chance. Good luck with your studies, cheers,
Eric Kerry
The truly local Conservative Candidate