October 20, 2015, by Fern Todhunter
Planning the plot and writing the script
The Cascade funding is being put to excellent use to purchase consultation time with the Health E-Learning and Media Team (HELM) based in the School of Health Sciences at The University of Nottingham. The HELM team are working with our group on a potential narrative for the Re-usable Learning Object about professional behaviour. At our summer workshop a number of ideas were generated by the student nurses and staff from The University of Nottingham and Birmingham City University. The narrative is the dialogue between a group of student nurses traveling together on a bus in a purpose-built film setting. For some of the group this work is a glance back to the halcyon days of writing and putting on plays at School. Lots of imagination and time, plus plenty of tea and biscuits. The details in the scene require careful attention to verbal and non-verbal behaviours, the supporting cast and props. The snapshot of the work to date reflects one of a number of drafts with encouraging feedback from the HELM team.
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