How I gained UK work experience and brought my skills to a UK charity.

Chuwei is from China and currently studying an MSc in Risk Management at Nottingham University Business School, UK. He shares with us the support he received from the NUBS Postgraduate Careers Team when trying to secure work in the UK and what he gained from the work experience.  See his story below: *What company and …

International Students: The Importance of Work Experience

So, as an international student, you are here in the UK and you are probably thinking about your options that are available once your finish your course. But what about now? Have you thought about applying to some part-time employment alongside your studies or making the most of your spare time during your vacation periods? …

Developing a Global Mindset

As the employment market becomes increasingly globalised and complex, more and more employers are looking for graduates with an awareness of these issues and an ability to work across countries and cultures. This is referred to in a variety of ways – some call it a global mindset, some talk of global competencies and some …