Behind the scenes
June 29, 2017
In the run-up to the fascinating Dinosaur of China exhibition, see how the team from China and staff at Wollaton Hall got the fossils ready to go on display for the grand opening on 1st July. It’s set to be a huge hit this summer and finally, the fossils which have the starring role in the Dinosaurs …
Dinosaurs of China set sail for the UK
May 2, 2017
Some very special visitors are on their way from China to Nottingham – Dr Wang Qi talks about what it takes to ship precious dinosaur fossils over 23, 435km from Tianjin to Felixstowe, in time for the Dinosaurs of China exhibition. Dinosaurs of China is a world exclusive exhibition featuring some of the most important …
Recipe for a Lakeside Literacy Project workshop
July 16, 2014
Take a classroom of primary school pupils, a handful of University students, and a sprinkling of overworked teachers. Place in an art gallery, blend, and leave to infuse. At this stage, there is the option to add drama, drawing or storytelling games to the mix. After an hour and a half, remove from the gallery …
News from the week in brief
July 18, 2013
Very brief This week many positive things have happened. Our psychologists in Malaysia have discovered new insights into our working memory, two charities have been honoured for their generous philanthropic contributes to the University and a new study shows that the British public are fully supportive of energy change. The University of Nottingham and Nottingham …
Aristophanes, feminism and enormous phalli
April 19, 2013
Old Attic comedian Aristophanes introduced me to ancient Greek dirty jokes. I spent many years of my early Classics education at school reading his plays and wondering how he got away with combining politics and filthy dialogue in 5th century B.C Athens. Last week I interviewed the man behind the first translation of Aristophanes I …
Throw some shapes to welcome the Olympic Torch
June 22, 2012
Lakeside Arts Centre and Dance4 are the driving forces behind this Thursday’s Olympic Torch welcome performance at Nottingham’s Market Square. The piece centres around the Heroes of Nottingham – both mythical and actual. The performance also features a massed choir, cheerleader sequence, breakdance from QMX Academy, and a dance sequence led by Subtext. Audience members …