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BBC’s flying archaeologist drops in on University dig

University of Nottingham archaeologist Dr Will Bowden featured on BBC 4’s new Flying Archaeologist series last night. He was chatting to Ben Robinson about the Caistor St Edmund dig close to the Norfolk Broads. The site is one of only three major Roman towns in Britain that doesn’t lie beneath a modern settlement. Will and …

All the news from the week in brief….read about the appointment of our new CIO and our award win for our commitment to supporting women in science…

  Funding for cutting edge medical technologies Nottingham funds six projects to improve the lives of people suffering ill health. Read more… New Chief Information Officer appointed Mary Visser is recruited to develop new IT strategy. Read more… Nottingham honoured with Athena SWAN Award Silver recognition for the University’s commitment to promoting women in science. …

IntoUniversity – A student’s experience of volunteering

The University of Nottingham launched its second IntoUniversity centre in St Ann’s on Monday 22nd April, helping some of the less-advantaged young people in the area to reach university. University of Nottingham student and committed IntoUniversity volunteer Kate Harper shares her experience… Hi, I’m Kate, a third year University of Nottingham student and IntoUniversity volunteer. …

Graduate Trainee joins our team

Graduate Trainee, Zoe Baker joins us in the Press Office for her final five month placement of her Graduate Trainee Programme. So over to Zoe to introduce herself… Before I start talking about all my own personal experiences, I will briefly explain what a Graduate Trainee is. The Graduate Trainee Programme is aimed at recent …

Aristophanes, feminism and enormous phalli

Old Attic comedian Aristophanes introduced me to ancient Greek dirty jokes. I spent many years of my early Classics education at school reading his plays and wondering how he got away with combining politics and filthy dialogue in 5th century B.C Athens. Last week I interviewed the man behind the first translation of Aristophanes I …

Flying archaeologist pays visit to Caistor

The BBC’s flying archaeologist, Ben Robinson, dropped in on Dr Will Bowden and his team at Caistor St Edmund in Norfolk for a new TV series which will be broadcast nationally next month. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01s1czf For the last four years Will, from the Department of Archaeology at The University of Nottingham, has led a team of …

Read all our top news stories from the week in brief…..

If you have missed any of or research stories from the last week, then why not check them out in brief here? Find out what was discovered in a previously unseen DH Lawrence manuscript…learn about how a newly developed app with help to provide better sanitation in the developing world…and much more…. Unpublished DH Lawrence …

UoN’s Michael Domokos gets on his bike for charity

Michael Domokos, Senior Project Manager for Corporate Systems at the University, is undertaking a charity challenge that would leave even the very fittest saddle-sore…  In July of this year, and two weeks ahead of the actual Tour de France, I will be cycling the mountain stages (18, 19 & 20) of the tour. I will cover …

The news in brief….

It’s been another busy week in the press office….with the news that UoN has signed two big deals with Unilever and Fusion IP. We’ve also ‘generated’ a buzz around some research in to wind turbine syndrome …why not read on to find out all our news from the week! Unilever signs strategic research agreement with …

Operation gorilla – decision time for surgeons

Tonight, in the last of three films by ITV Central News reporter Victoria Davies, it is decision time for vet school surgeon Dr Sandra Corr. Sandra travelled to Africa last month with a team from Twycross Zoo to operate on Shufai a young gorilla who suffered gunshot wounds to his wrist when poachers killed his …