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The taming of the beast – Professor Wyn Morgan looks at the reasons behind Tesco’s profit fall

Tesco’s reported loss of over £6bn has exemplified the significant changes that have occurred in recent years for the company and for retailing as a whole. Tesco has been seen as a behemoth in retailing: growing market share at the expense of its rivals especially post the introduction of the Tesco Clubcard. Even the recession …

Showing the rest how it’s done – Nottingham gets involved in Responsible Business Week

On Thursday 23 April the International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility (ICCSR) and Nottingham University Business School will be showing how companies can be responsible employers. The University partners will be hosting ‘Wellness in the Workplace’ in partnership with Business in the Community. This is the first time that the University has hosted this major …

Tomorrow’s technologies, today’s research

Whether it’s the Hello Barbie which can answer kids’ questions using voice recognition software, the Apple Watch offering wrist-mounted app access or the Amazon Dash Button that can re-order a host of household products with just a single click, it appears there’s no end to our appetite for the latest computer gadgetry. But with devices …

On the buses with youngsters at Nottingham brain tumour centre

Rocky, the open top bus, took a break from touring the seaside to put in an appearance on campus recently to mark a new donation to an appeal to raise £1.8 million for a vital new piece of medical and research equipment. Children from the University’s Children’s Brain Tumour Research Centre (CBTRC), their families and healthcare …

Red Ed’s Manifesto? Professor Steven Fielding looks at Labour’s manifesto

Political manifestoes are infamously fallible guides as to what a party will actually do if it wins office. That is especially true in these uncertain times when policies might have to be traded away as the price of forming a coalition government. But a manifesto can still tell us something about what a party stands …

New research backs Nottingham claims Bard’s ‘lost’ play is genuine

A new study by a team of Texan academics has strongly suggested that a disputed play was indeed penned by William Shakespeare, backing previous research by a Nottingham professor published in 2010. The original authorship of the 18-th century play Double Falsehood has long been debated and the new research by scholars at The University …

Victory March for Nottingham sport

Wednesday afternoons are already synonymous with sport for many students but Wednesday 25 March 2015 will be remembered as a big day for University of Nottingham Sport for many years to come. The culmination of the British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS) season, BUCS Big Wednesday saw four University teams claim national championship victories in …

Experience life as a science journalist – deadline tomorrow!

There are just a few hours left to apply for a funded place on the British Science Association’s Media Fellowship Scheme. Deadline tomorrow. If you have a real enthusiasm for science communication – and can give examples to support this – then read on. Additional info you might find useful: This scheme is for practising scientists. …

In cancer comparisons, let’s save life years in the quest to save lives

Professor David Walker, Professor of Paediatric Oncology at the Children’s Brain Tumour Research Centre and President of the British Neuro-Oncology Society, on why saving lives in the fight against cancer should not be the only focus, especially for children and young people affected by rare forms of the disease. The UK’s poor performance in cancer survival statistics requires …

Is Nick Clegg a hero? read Professor Steven Fielding’s review of the Channel 4 drama – The Coalition

During the week in which the election 2015 campaign really kicks off, Steven Fielding, Professor of of Political History, looks at the Channel 4 television drama by James Graham, which aired on Saturday 28 March. ‘The Coalition’ focuses on the five frenetic days between the 2010 election result and the formation ofBritain’s first post-war coalition …