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The purrfect place to study

A cat-friendly library will be a new stress-busting feature at the University of Nottingham. Plans have been announced to turn the top floor of Hallward Library into a feline-friendly study room. The initiative builds on the success of the University’s Puppy Rooms and comes following scores of requests from students asking to bring their pets …

New project will explore exploitation in hand car washes

A new collaborative study between the Rights Lab at the University of Nottingham and the UK’s Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner (IASC) will look at labour exploitation in hand car washes. Hand car washes have been a high profile sector with numerous media reports describing endemic exploitation and modern slavery. However, as yet there is no definitive …

Student athletes excel in BUCS Big Wednesday

One of the biggest sporting events in the university calendar, BUCS (British Universities and Colleges Sport) Big Wednesday, took place yesterday at the University of Nottingham and student athletes kept up the University’s fine sporting tradition. Highlights included a third consecutive Championship gold for the Men’s table tennis squad, who dominated their final winning 10-0 …

Nottingham Stands Against Slavery

Dr Alison Gardner from the Rights Lab at the University of Nottingham has picked up a national award for her work in helping to tackle modern slavery in Nottingham. Dr Gardner received the Marsh Award for Community Activism in Combating Slavery for an event she ran at the University last June, in partnership with Unchosen, …

Famous faces and gruesome body parts star in annual ‘Cake Off’ competition

A University Cake Off competition that went viral last year with the ‘world’s grossest cake’ has raised the bar this year with a selection of winning entries that would challenge the best TV Bake Off Showstoppers. Veterinary and Biosciences students at the University of Nottingham’s Sutton Bonington campus staged their annual Cake Off yesterday and …

New award for research into how arts and humanities can improve health and wellbeing

One of the newest fields of research in the world is to get its own national award thanks to the AHRC, Wellcome and the Nottingham professor who pioneered the subject. Professor Paul Crawford is the first Professor of Health Humanities in the world. His field is defined as the application of the arts and humanities …

Nottingham mathematician strikes Silver for Mathematical Sciences display in Parliament

Congratulations to Linda Irons, PhD researcher from the School of Mathematics who struck Silver at a competition in the House of Commons, for the excellence of her mathematical research, walking away with a £1,250 prize. Linda presented her research to dozens of politicians and a panel of expert judges, as part of the poster competition STEM …

Many UK boardrooms blind to opportunity, warns report

Boards conditioned to play safe rather than embrace opportunity Efforts to “create certainty” overlook scope to enhance performance Narrow outlook partially fuelled by fear that dissent isn’t welcome Britain’s boardrooms may be impairing the UK’s economic potential by habitually viewing risk only in terms of threats rather than in terms of opportunities, a new report …

The science of music brought to the big screen

Music is an integral part of any film, and research into computer generated music has been used to create the soundtrack for a film that has been nominated for a British Universities Film & Video Council (BUFVC) Learning Screen Award. Engaging experience The soundtrack for the film; ‘Into the Looking Glass – how selfie culture …

Celebrating our women – picture round up

Celebrations took place across the University on March 8th in honour of International Women’s Day. In the UK and at campuses in China and Malaysia women took centre stage under the theme #PressforProgress. The University worked in partnership with Nottingham Trent University to host an inspirational conference celebrating the achievements of women. This was alongside a …