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US science superfan has Christmas wish granted with visit to YouTube hero

An 8-year-old science fan from California had his Christmas wish come true when he met his science hero and YouTube star Professor Sir Martyn Poliakoff. Ajay Sawant and his family took a 12 hour detour en route from California to Mumbai to visit family in India especially to pay Ajay’s hero a visit on Monday …

University News Review — November and December 2018

The latter end of 2018 saw many University of Nottingham news stories in the headlines… Annus horribilis… was AD536 the worst year to be alive? A new study from the University has found ground-breaking evidence from an ice core in the Swiss-Italian Alps that proves the 7th century switch from gold to silver currencies in …

Honourable visit from the Indonesian Education and Culture Attaché Office

The first Indonesian language and culture class to take place in Nottingham has ended with a visit from the country’s Education and Culture Attaché. Professor E Aminudin Aziz from the Embassy of Republic of Indonesia was invited to Nottingham to discuss future opportunities for Indonesian language classes and cultural programmes following the success of the …

Resolving healthcare challenges through interprofessional education in Indonesia

The University of Nottingham has shared expertise in interprofessional education and collaborative working at a high profile healthcare event in Jakarta, Indonesia. The Department for International Trade at the British Embassy and Indonesian Young Health Professionals’ Society, with support from Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education and Ministry of Health worked in collaboration to …

New yoga and wellbeing centre raising funds for Nottingham midwives

Yasmin Gregory is passionate about the wellbeing of women. The University of Nottingham graduate (Sociology BA) set up at1.SPACE — a yoga and wellbeing centre — two years ago, in her home town of Nottingham. Contemporary in design and ambience, at1.SPACE Yoga and Wellbeing Centre, located on Triumph Road next to the University’s Jubilee Campus, …

World Soil Day – Nottingham puts soil science on world stage

It’s World Soil Day today, the annual awareness day run by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation. The event aims to raise awareness of the importance of soil quality for human well-being, food security and ecosystems. Here’s just a flavour of the soil science and facilities that support the University of Nottingham’s internationally recognised research …

Technician on the run – building props for the Royal Institution Christmas lectures

He’s up to his eyes in papier mache, fabric cutting and foam boards – but he’s not giving much else away! What he is doing is under wraps until the Royal Institution Christmas Lectures are televised on the Tuesday 11, Thursday 13 and Saturday 15 December.   Tom Clayton, a technician in the School of Chemistry, normally trains researchers in state-of-the-art …

Working together to tackle modern slavery

Victim and survivor care is an area which needs urgent improvement in the fight against modern slavery, say frontline staff working with perpetrators and survivors. This is just one of the findings from a series of workshops which brought together local agencies to help them better understand how they can fight modern slavery in their …

Learning disabilities ambassador is named on inspirational leaders list

A learning disabilities ambassador in the University’s School of Health Sciences has spoken of her surprise and delight at being named among the UK’s top learning disability leaders. Emily Smith who has Down’s syndrome, has been named in the top 15 of the first Dimensions Learning Disabilities and Autism Leaders List in the category of …

Nottingham hosts an inspiring week of orchestral music

Nottingham hosts an inspiring week of orchestral music Musicians from the Zhejiang Conservatory of Music (ZJCM) visited the University of Nottingham last week for a wonderful week-long programme of events, culminating in a special gala performance at the Nottingham Albert Hall. Organised by Nottingham Lakeside Arts and the University’s Confucius Institute, the 21 guest musicians …