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Malaysia Campus welcomes visitors from International Postharvest Symposium

Pioneers and leading researchers in the field of postharvest biology and phytochemistry attended the 7th International Postharvest Symposium in Malaysia – the first Asian nation to host this auspicious event. During their stay delegates took the opportunity to visit The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus to see the newly established Centre of Excellence for Postharvest …

Pavlopetri documentary on Discovery Channel

This Sunday Discovery Channel premieres the compelling one-hour special on Pavlopetri: City Beneath the Waves. First seen on the BBC this programme tells the story of a thriving Mediterranean port which disappeared into the sea more than 2000 years ago. The programme takes the research of The University of Nottingham’s underwater archaeologist Dr Jon Henderson …

Tomato source

Nottingham has played a key role in the genetic sequencing of the tomato genome. This international research project involving 14 different countries will help breeders produce new varieties of tasty tomatoes with higher concentrations of healthy nutrients. Knowing the tomato ‘book’ will also help develop tomatoes equipped to combat disease, drought and pathogens. The co-leaders …

Launched – worms experiment on historic space mission.

Nottingham space flight veterans watched the launch of the world’s first commercial flight to the International Space Station today. The SpaceX rocket was fired into space at 3.44am EDT. Onboard is an experiment designed by American high school student Paul Warren. When he needed help putting the experiment together he knew where to go. He …

Academic from UNMC publishes new book on medicinal plants

Prominent academic Dr Christophe Wiart, from The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus (UNMC), has published his latest book Medicinal Plants of China, Korea, and Japan: Bioresources for Tomorrow’s Drugs and Cosmetics. Leading expert Dr Wiart has been studying the medicinal plants of China, Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia and India for the last 16 years. He …

£5m funding for research to enable fossil fuel replacements

The ChemEnSus project is a five year £5mil Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) funded programme aiming to apply coordination chemistry to the generation of new multi-functional porous materials to provide innovative solutions for key issues around environmental and chemical sustainability. The project will develop new materials that have applications in hydrogen and gas storage, …

Music to patients’ ears

The opportunity to write about the latest breakthroughs in science, technology and medicine is certainly one of the perks of working in the Press Office of a research-intensive university like Nottingham. What’s even more gratifying is seeing first-hand the impact that those stories are having on people’s lives and the importance of the work that …

15-21 March: The big stories this week

This week’s news roundup includes the unveiling of the lucky few from the University who have been chosen to carry the Olympic torch as it passes through Nottingham this summer. There is also research news regarding potential treatments for both severe dementia and tinnitus, as well as book launch news from Fintan Cullen, Professor of …

Exercise assumptions challenged by science

In the office we have been talking about Tuesday night’s BBC Two programme Horizon: The Truth About Exercise. “Did you know you can get away with doing just three minutes of exercise a week?” (Cue frowns and disbelief from those who spend hours running or sweating in the gym and glints of hope from the rest …