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Longest stays in Europe make scarce hospital beds harder to get

Why is a leading psychiatrist concerned about not having the resources needed to provide psychiatric care?  Martin Baggaley, South London and Maudsley’s clinical director hit the headlines this week when he stated that too many psychiatric beds had been closed.  It is possible to specify fairly precisely how many beds are sufficient to meet the …

Concept house showcases fuel poverty technology

TV’s Dick Strawbridge was at The University of Nottingham this afternoon giving a key note speech to mark the official opening of the last ecohouse to open on Green Close – a ‘living lab’ of specially designed houses built to test and research different aspects of modern methods of construction and sustainable and renewable technologies. …

The day in tweets #energyday

Today, BBC Radio 5 are dedicating 12 hours of programming to the national energy debate in ‘Energy Day’ and researchers from the University will be playing a key part in the event. Our Media Relations Office tweets the day in photos…     All set for BBC Five live #energyday tomorrow.         …

Personalised approach to end of life care: good care and communication take time

Earlier this week an Independent Review commissioned by the Government recommended that the Liverpool Care Pathway be phased out and replaced by personalised care plans for people who are nearing their death.  An independent report by University of Nottingham researchers formed an important part of the evidence upon which the Independent Review made its recommendations. Dr …

News from the week in brief

Very brief This week we have won funding to tackle the most deadly cancer and more for arthritis pain, we’ve had a Hollywood star on campus, tweets from beyond the grave, a new architectural book, a tribute to “the father of rail human factors”, a machine which cuts almost any material, a global network event …

David Cameron’s Parliament to set rebellious record

A recent end-of-session report from the University of Nottingham has found that the current Parliament is on course to becoming the most rebellious Parliament since 1945. The research for this report, Cambo Chained or Dissension Amongst the Coalition’s Parliamentary Parties, 2012-2013: A Data Handbook, was led by Professor of Parliamentary Government Philip Cowley and Research Fellow …

BBC’s flying archaeologist drops in on University dig

University of Nottingham archaeologist Dr Will Bowden featured on BBC 4’s new Flying Archaeologist series last night. He was chatting to Ben Robinson about the Caistor St Edmund dig close to the Norfolk Broads. The site is one of only three major Roman towns in Britain that doesn’t lie beneath a modern settlement. Will and …

Flying archaeologist pays visit to Caistor

The BBC’s flying archaeologist, Ben Robinson, dropped in on Dr Will Bowden and his team at Caistor St Edmund in Norfolk for a new TV series which will be broadcast nationally next month. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01s1czf For the last four years Will, from the Department of Archaeology at The University of Nottingham, has led a team of …

Operation gorilla – decision time for surgeons

Tonight, in the last of three films by ITV Central News reporter Victoria Davies, it is decision time for vet school surgeon Dr Sandra Corr. Sandra travelled to Africa last month with a team from Twycross Zoo to operate on Shufai a young gorilla who suffered gunshot wounds to his wrist when poachers killed his …

Dr Matt Goodwin: Explaining the collapse of the BNP

What happened to Nick Griffin’s BNP? Following their performance at the 2010 general election, cited as the strongest performance of a British far right party in history, the British National Party has suffered a sharp decline in support, seeing a drop from over 240,000 votes for the BNP in 2008 to fewer than 26,000 in …