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Robot in the classroom?

With a new generation of digital natives in the classroom, IT in schools is now as commonplace as textbooks and PE kits. But could there be a more radical use for computer technology that could assist in teaching children with profound and multiple disabilities? Researchers at Nottingham have been investigating the use of a humanoid …

Latest update on the fire at Jubilee Campus

The University of Nottingham’s Registrar Dr Paul Greatrix said: “We are terribly saddened by the major fire at our Jubilee Campus on the evening of Friday September 12, which completely destroyed our new GlaxoSmithKline Carbon Neutral Laboratory for Sustainable Chemistry which was still under construction. “We are incredibly grateful to our staff and students for their fantastic …

National award for innovative Nottingham researcher

A researcher at The University of Nottingham has received a national award for making an outstanding contribution to the field of neuro-oncology. Dr Ruman Rahman, Assistant Professor in Molecular Neuro-Oncology in the University’s School of Medicine and a member of the University’s Children’s Brain Tumour Research Centre (CBTRC), was unanimously selected by judges to receive …

Horse and Country TV at the Vet School

With her expertise in clinical disease in horses Associate Professor Sarah Freeman was an obvious choice for Horse and Country TV who are currently filming a three part series on essential info for horse owners and colic. Presenter Jenny Rudall and the TV crew spent Monday – all day Monday – on site at the School …

Calling all BBSRC researchers

As part of their 20th anniversary programme the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) is seeking to recognise excellence in the UK bioscience research base which has been supported and championed by the BBSRC over the last two decades. To demonstrate the research council’s support and pride for the research community they have launched …

Asia research news 2014 now live

Asia Research News 2014 is now live and features three research projects from The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus. ResearchSEA – Asia Research News promotes news and expertise from Asia. The latest round up of the year’s top research stories includes: Page six – Natural protections for tropical fruits prolong shelf life. Page 26 – Crossing …

Talk on underutilised crop impresses UK plant scientists

One of the two prize winners at this year’s UK PlantSci event was Presidor Kendabie. He was speaking in the ‘Future generations’ session. Presidor caught the audience’s attention with his talk on the underutilised crop, Bambara groundnut. This year’s annual UK PlantSci conference was held at the University of York and included over 30 speakers and 160 attendees …

The teenage brain – work in progress

The University of Nottingham is taking part in a  European wide study which aims to identify and learn more about the biological and environmental factors that might influence mental health in teenagers. It is recalling its 2000 volunteers for the second stage of the research. The IMAGEN Study recruited the teenagers at 14. Now, at …

The next big deal: detecting gravitational waves at your desk

Researchers at The University of Nottingham are developing desktop technology to detect the ripples in space-time that would have been created when the universe was in its infancy. Einstein’s theory of General Relativity predicts that gravitational waves would have been formed in the short time after the Big Bang, when the universe grew from the …

Did the trauma of World War One lead to great creativity?

Dr Victoria Tischler from the School of Medicine explores what trauma can do to the mind for BBC online’s coverage marking the Centenary of World War One. Dr Tischler co-presents – Did the Trauma of World War One lead to great creativity? – with Politician and Academic, Baroness Shirley Williams. In World War One the British army treated over …