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Expert reaction to Ebola case in Glasgow

A healthcare worker recently returned to Glasgow from Sierra Leone has been diagnosed with Ebola. Molecular Virologist Professor Jonathan Ball is fielding media enquiries.  He said: “Given the scale of the problem in Sierra Leone there was always the risk that UK volunteers could become infected. This is tragic news for the brave volunteer, but …

Lessons learned in the 10 years since the Boxing Day Tsunami

The morning of the 26 December 2004 seemed like the start to a good day. It was Boxing Day, the day after Christmas Day, and foreign tourists were enjoying the sun and beautiful Thailand beaches. The Thai people were looking forward to welcoming in the New Year. They were unaware that a huge earthquake in …

World-class research recognised

The University of Nottingham is a leading international institution carrying out world-class research,according to the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2014.   Nottingham is ranked 8th in the UK on a measure of ‘research power’, which takes into account both the quality of research and the number of research-active staff who made REF returns. More than …

Bringing the best of British bioscience to the public

Researchers from The University of Nottingham will be helping to bring the best of British bioscience to the public this weekend. Professor Malcolm Bennett from the School of Biosciences and his team from the Centre for Plant Integrative Biology will be showcasing their exhibit ‘Rooting in the Underworld’ at The Great British Bioscience Festival between …

Secrets of Stonehenge revealed through digital mapping

The secrets of a prehistoric monument are being revealed in an unprecedented digital mapping project involving Dr Eugene Ch’ng, from the School of Computer Science, The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC). He is part of a team working on the Stonehenge Hidden Landscapes Project that is transforming knowledge of the iconic stone monument in England. Using …

Get into ‘The Conversation’

Here in the University’s press office we are encouraging more academics to get involved in writing articles for The Conversation, an independent source of news and views, sourced from the academic and research community and delivered direct to the public. As a founding partner of The Conversation UK, the University wants to generate as much support …

From Spider Lab to Spider House

Spider expert Dr Sara Goodacre from The University of Nottingham’s School of Life Sciences joined a team of experts in the BBC Four’s Spider House last night for a Halloween special. Sara, who heads up the University’s Spider Lab, helped them peer into the private life of a creature that can frighten or fascinate. If …

Halloween special – inside the BBC Spider House

In a Halloween special BBC Four will invite you inside the Spider House to discover what these eight legged creatures get up to in your home. Dr Sara Goodacre, who heads up  The University of Nottingham’s ‘Spider Lab’ in the School of Life Sciences, was invited into this spidery lair to share her expertise and …

Plaudits for dementia care documentary

A documentary commissioned to complement University of Nottingham research into hospital care for people with dementia has picked up two prizes at the Scottish Mental Health Arts and Film Festival. Today is Monday was commissioned and produced by Pippa Foster (now Operations Manager, Alzheimer’s Society) while she was working at The University of Nottingham with …

Nearly one in three lung cancer patients in the UK dies within three months of diagnosis

Nearly one in three lung cancer patients in the UK dies within three months of diagnosis, despite having visited their family doctor several times beforehand, according to new research from The University of Nottingham. The findings suggest that family doctors may not be picking up the signs of lung cancer and investigating them as appropriately …